I’ve been lifting for the last year or so, i primarily started in bodybuilding but moved into powerlifting about 6 months ago. since doing so i have seen good results from it, I weigh in at 166lbs and my stats are thus:
bench: 265lbs
deadlift: 460lbs
squat: 440lbs
by all means these are not record breaking stats on any level and i am fine with that i am just happy I’m able to deadlift what i can. my primary goal is to lean out and return to powerlifting, i want to get to 140-145lbs then bulk up on a very clean diet and this time around supplement.
i know i need extensive work on calves but opinions are still warranted
you’ll have to over look my ability to not attach photos, it’s the first time. if anyone can tell me how I’d appreciate it
You need to post your mandatory shots in separate posts, attaching one picture to each post. Or you can upload your pictures to an external host and link to them.
Your deadlift and squat are very good, your bench is OK, but your physique isn’t going to get a high score. If you’re looking for help, or advice on what you need to improve, this is not the right forum.
If those numbers are real, then you are much stronger than you look, good job (?). Post up some more pics so we can actually rate your physique. Not to flame but you honestly don’t look like you lift, and thats coming from someone who is the same weight as you. This section is mainly for bodybuilders, there is a good sub forum for plifters, you should check it out.
rational glaze- thanks i appreciate it. yeah I’ve never been that good at benching even for being so short. it’s cool i was just curious to see what people had to say
hifiboy- they are, i wish i had proof so you’d know. the great thing about that is just that, i don’t look like i lift but am strong as an ox and solid as hell. thanks, i will
By the way, what I meant was you should add your additional pictures in this thread: make a post, attach a picture (click on “Go advanced…” below the submit button), repeat until all your pictures are uploaded.
you can believe what you want to believe i really don’t care, the only thing that matters is that i can do it, oh and fyi if you think it’s bullshit that bad find me and ill show you AND out squat you!!
Yeah, my legs are shit and they look better than yours. I would die under 440, little legs=little squat, no way around it. In fact, my whole body looks better at the same weight and I can’t lift close to as much as you claim. Why lie on a meeningless forum? Train hard and be honest, people will give you much better advice that way.
[quote]iamsam1786 wrote:
you can believe what you want to believe i really don’t care, the only thing that matters is that i can do it, oh and fyi if you think it’s bullshit that bad find me and ill show you AND out squat you!! [/quote]
Lol at “find me”.
Why don’t you just post a video? It’s simple, easy and will cut down on people thinking you’re full of shit.