Hey guys been lifting seriously for a year now and have been following a proper diet for 7 months now. My goal is to be a powerlifter with a bodybuilder’s physique i.e. Dave Gulledge
Age: 19
BF: 11.7%
Weight: 187lb
Height: 6’1
Squat: 315lb
Bench: 242lb
Deadlift: 405lb
Arms: 15 and 3/4"
Legs: 24"
Waist: 31.5"
I’d like to achieve the following goals within 2 years as a natural
Squat 500
Deadlift 550
Bench 350
Want to train for another 2 years as a natural and get to 210lb, 17" arms at 10% then will use anabolics to get to 21"
Dont have a squat video, but here’s me pulling 405
Satisfied now?
My form wasn’t great then (due to weak hams and glutes), spent the past few months doing some box squats, GHRs andfront squats as assistance and my form is almost perfect now.
Wow. Awesome lift. It inspires me that you weigh less than me but can still pull some heavy ass weight.
My goal is to pull 400, but I still have a long way to go.
[quote]theBird wrote:
Wow. Awesome lift. It inspires me that you weigh less than me but can still pull some heavy ass weight.
My goal is to pull 400, but I still have a long way to go.[/quote]
You seriously called video or it didn’t happen on someone 187 lbs for a fricken 405 deadlift/315 squat? You’re calling that heavy?
OP: Good job so far, could use more overall mass, your shoulder:waist ratio looks pretty good and is giving you a good V-taper. Chest/arms/rear delts could all use some specific work.
do you play any sports? you look more like a better natural athlete than lifter. i would be surprised if you can’t dunk with those long and strong legs. your obliques and abs are underdeveloped for an atglete but maybe not so as a bodybuilder w/a small waist. amazing so far!
[quote]johnman18 wrote:
I would say you’re looking pretty good for how young you are. Just keep working hard.[/quote]
Thanks man, I still have a very long way to go
[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
OP: Good job so far, could use more overall mass, your shoulder:waist ratio looks pretty good and is giving you a good V-taper. Chest/arms/rear delts could all use some specific work [/quote]
Agreed, wanna put on about 25lb over the next 2 years. 2 years ago I weighed only 135 and thought I was a hard gainer, amazing what food can do lol. Have really worked hard on my chest recently a year ago I was only repping 100lbs! My delts and triceps are probably my worst bodyparts but have started focusing on them recently
[quote] freethrowdunk wrote:
do you play any sports? you look more like a better natural athlete than lifter. i would be surprised if you can’t dunk with those long and strong legs. your obliques and abs are underdeveloped for an atglete but maybe not so as a bodybuilder w/a small waist. amazing so far![/qoute]
wonder what would make you think I’m an athlete lol, I generally suck at sports (poor hand-eye co-ordination) would love to play rugby though only started training abs 2 months ago so hopefully they’ll improve
haha you’re right I should aim for the stars and hopefully I’ll land on the moon. I bulk in cycles so from april-june will do a dirty bulk and hopefully put on 20lb on each cycle
Odd time to bulk, “dirty” or clean. Personally I always stay a bit leaner during the summer months when people see my hawtz abz and then work on size through fall/winter. Which means now, which means I’m making lots of chili and more steak and other tasty things instead of boring chicken.