Just got mine from Fed Ex today. Just need 1 day to get to Canada. Btw, i will try it tomorrow and see how it goes.
I am thinking of taking it with Vanadyl sulfate.
What do you guys think?
i made a mistake, i thought there were 50 grams in 1 serving of quaker oats. But the good ratio is one scoop grow, one cup quaker oats. this equals 23 grams of protein and 61 grams of carbs, pretty close to the ratio for post surge meal. it has 7.3 grams of fat though, this seems a bit high
I live in KS and got my Surge today, but won’t be trying it until tomorrow. Smells pretty good, vanilla like. I post back tomorrow what I think. There was also a shirt with it unfornately my roommate is the one who placed the order so he took the shirt. So T-Mag staff how can I get one?? They are cool looking shirts!
Nate Dogg, Mixed mine in a 32 oz container.
A few shakes and it was good to go. No lumps.
Vanilla flavor. Well worth the wait. Hope you
get yours today.
Got mine - will try it tonight after my squats!
I just received mine. Unfortunatley, it came when I was taking the last few sips of my post-workout Grow! shake. Can’t wait to try it after my workout tomorrow. Hell, yeah!
I just got home from the gym after doing my Quad workout and just finished off my first serving of Surge! It’s kind of hard to describe the taste, but it’s not to bad. One thing, make sure you mix it up good. When I got to the bottom of the glass some Surge had settled and it was pretty stout and gritty. I think this is going to be a great supplement and one I will always keep in stock. Also I would like to know what other people are doing for their first meal after surge. T-Mag staff, thanks for the new supplement!! You guys rule!!
The post-post-workout meal should be close to the same ratio of .8 and .4 as the surge. But it doesnt have to be exact. There can be some flexibility there. Lately I have been waiting about 90 minutes (after surge) and at that point I have a meal consisting of 1/2 a container cottage cheese with one scoop of Advanced Protein chocolate mixed in very well. Then I slice up one banana and mix it in too. I freeze this for about 1 hour. Then I add some granola cereal to top off this mix. This meal ends up being about 50g protein, 10g fat, and 110g carbs (about 730 calories or so). Now, yes, it does have more fat than Id like but it tastes so darned good!
WTF?? I realize that taste is important, but if I wanted tasty post-workout food, I’d get ice cream… I want to know if anyone has experienced anything similar to Patterson’s near-blackout? After all, it’s the RESULTS that matter…
just had some surge after my workout. the taste is pretty average, almost a bit bitter, but it’s tolerable. better than anything i could have made hahaha
Man, I’ve gotta agree. I haven’t bought any Surge yet because I’m still waiting to hear about the blackout effect. I personally could care less about taste. In fact, I think my post-post workout meal will be human feces ( the corn could cause a dramatic insulin spike!)
Just had the Surge postworkout.
Taste-Odd, but not bad, really sweet tasting actually.
Feeling-I have been low Gi dieting and I am off the walls right about now, definitely feel a little pump, we will see tomorrow, I did heavy front squats for the first time in a looooong time, if I will ever be sore, tomorrow will be the day.
I had my first try of Surge today. It tastes OK (i’ve had much worse), its a far cry from GROW. But taste isnt whats important here. Afterwards i felt Shakey as all hell, lightheaded, and tired. After an Hour or so, it passed, or atleast decreased alot. I am monitoring my weight. I am an Ectomorph, so adding size takes alot of calories for me. Ill see how it goes after 1 Jug is gone, and let you all know.
No blackout, but comon’ that’s a bit on the unlikely side . . I did feel just a little light headed after about 10-15 min. With my homebrew version I never felt light headed. Also, it appears energy is up a little - we’ll see how I recover . .
hey guys, let’s not lose sight of the fact that what you’re talking about is a DIETARY SUPPLEMENT which was designed to be idiot proof (and let’s face it, there are alot of idiots out there!). do you really think the guys at Biotest would make the formula so strong that it’d throw you into hypoglycemic shock??? use your heads, they’re not stupid. i wouldn’t expect any 10 pound gains in a week, it just ain’t gonna happen. keep hyping it up and all you’re going to be is disappointed. take it for what it’s worth, proper post workout nutrition.
My surge still hasn’t arrived! I hope it will be here Friday. I would like to try it after my workout. It will be perfect timing if it’s waiting at my doorstep when I come home. Has anyone blacked out yet? Guess the taste depends on the user. It’s all good. As long as it works! That is the most important part! I want good recovery and to see gains in strength and size!!!
I wanted to address a couple of issues.
First, the "blackout effect" that SOME people experience (and they are a minority at that - Tim just shared HIS OWN experience in the BTS article) has NOTHING to do with the product's efficacy. Actually I prefer NOT to blackout when driving home from the gym.
Let’s clarify here…Surge’s efficacy is a result of everything I mentioned in the post workout puzzle articles. I think many of the readers here need to go back and re-read the articles and not lose sight of the point of this drink. And the point is that it creates a really optimal hormonal cascade, has some awesome cellular effects on protein turnover, and does a nice job at replenishing glycogen stores.
Now, the “lab stuff” is really cool but the best thing about Surge is that EVERY freakin athlete Ive given it to has had marked improvements in perception of recovery and marked reductions in delayed onset muscle soreness. My endurance athletes who use this blend refuse to not drink it after training sessions. And every strength athlete refuses to go to the gym without it. That is a statement about it’s efficacy. And these testimonies coupled with some lab data really lead me to believe that this is not a placebo effect but something real.
No, you wont pack on juice-like gains on this supplement in record time. And no, one bottle wont make you 20lbs heavier. But if used consistently after each and every workout, this stuff will improve recovery times so that you can do more work in the gym and so that you feel better when not in the gym, and it will lead to an accumulation of muscle mass that you wouldnt otherwise have experienced with a typical post workout MRP.
For all you wondering about blacking out, I agree with massmnstr. Also if you remember what Tim Patterson said in “Behind the Scenes” printed issue #4, and I quote “our little experiment actually worked too well. And the final formula will have to be toned down somewhat to keep from overloading the 911 switchboard”. So don’t expect to pass out. You may or may not feel a little something. Personally I didn’t really feel anything different, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t working. I have complete confidence and trust in the product, and I know that it will be a heck of a lot better that anything I could put together on my own.
Woo hoo! I checked my credit card statement. My Surge and T2 was posted the same day. So both should be arriving today! I can’t wait until I get home. I’m looking forward to feeling the Surge after tonight’s workout. And I’ll start kicking in the T2 this weekend as well.
Got my “SURGE” 4 days ago. Used it after 2 w/o’s so far.