Any input on this plan that should add size to shoulders/chest while shapeing upper legs/torso?
incline bench press 8X3
wide grip seated rows 6(reps)X4(sets)
low cable pully bench press 8X3
close grip seated upper cable row 6X4
decline dumbell press 8X3
iso-hammer press 6X4
upright medium grip rows 8X3
romanian deadlifts 6X4
overhead press 8X3
squats 3X3
Day-3 off
wide grip pull downs 6X4
roman chair twisting hyper-extensions 3X10
dip stand alternating leg raise 3X10 (both sides)
lying side scissor 3X10 (both sides)
kneeling back kick 3X10 (both sides)
incline side leg circle 3X10 circles (both sides)
decline to incline l-lateral raise 3X10 (one set in each posistion incline/flat/decline)
upper cable cross over 8X3
lying three way delt raise 6X3
decline dumbell alternating pull-over 3X8 (both sides)
cleans 3X3
I simply haven’t the strength to go through everything, but a few general comments:
Day 1:
Not bad.
Day 2:
You lack quite a bit in the leg portion. 3 squat triples aren’t enough to maintain size. Deadlifts help, but consider adding an additional 2-3 squat sets.
Day 4:
You emphasize stability exercises throughout. Trade out for some type of concentric ab movement.
Day 5:
Choose an angle and stick with it on lateral raises. Switch it every two weeks. Include some type of heavy lifting for chest; bench, weighted pushups, dips, flys, something. The middle two would benefit you quite a bit.
Cable crossover does not count, nor do pullovers. The latter is far more of a lat/tricep exercise.
The overlap of Deltiod work, specifically of the anterior deltoid on your first two days of the program may be too intense especially with a second day of direct shoulder work later on in your week. Remember that if your angle on an incline press is over 35 degrees you will be working your anterior deltoids more than your pectorals.
Machine- excuse me, my bad. Cut my torso? Chisle my torso? Rip the fuck out of my torso?
KnightR- I was eyeing exactly that on the leg day. More squats it is then. And how about decline crunches? I really do want to “shape” (yes sorry Machine I said it again) my torso. Size and strength are not an issue here. I was honestly thinking of pilates movements for my upper legs lower abs/back. I know I’ll get made fun of but I’m having an issue with cutting the last bit of flab off this area. I do not want to rip my abs too much just yet, since my symetry is actually great if I could just melt these love handles off. Whats wrong with cable cross overs? Sometimes this is the only move I can feel a burn in my inner pecs with. Also I like over-lapping movement like the pullovers. They do get my lats a lot but that is a good thing. Notice how I count pull downs as a core day movement. I’m all fucked up that way.
Scall144- Do you suggest I drop incline barbell press for the time being? I thought about this as well but my chest is really undersized now. It used to be both my chest and my shoulders. But now really it’s just my chest.
Anytime you schedule a chest and shoulder day back to back there will inevitably be an unwanted overlap since the pressing movements almost always include both the deltiods and pectorals to some degree. I realize you want to specifically target your shoulders so I would reccomend(if you want to work both chest and shoulders twice per week) combining your shoulder and chest work into one workout on Day1 and Day 4, move back/and leg workout on Day2 and your core on Day5. Also it might be wise to incorporate some Core work on Day2 as well. Hope this helps.
I wrote a bit on abdominal work that may be of interest to you. Nearly every movement alternates sides for the sake of obliques.
Pilates and the exercises you list fit nicely if size and strength aren’t a priority, but is that REALLY the case?
Unfortunately, if your fat distribution is such that love handles are the last to go, it’ll be hell getting rid of 'em. Ab work won’t do a damn thing for that. But you can build lats and obliques to give the illusion of width and a thinner midsection.
I don’t care for cable crossovers because I’ve never seen anyone do them with good form. IMO flyes, and particularly the modified pushups mentioned this week or last in T-Mag, are better ways to accomplish the same thing. But if they work for you, by all means.
Pullovers tear up my triceps more than skullcrushers. Let’s hope you recover quickly.
I changed it up a bit based on your suggestions. Does it look better? I know cleans aren’t only a leg move but it fits best on leg day.
incline bench press 8X3
wide grip seated rows 6(reps)X4(sets)
low cable pully bench press 8X3
close grip seated upper cable row 6X4
decline dumbell press 8X3
wide grip pull downs 6X4
cleans 4X4
iso-hammer press 6X4
hamstring curls 8X3
romanian deadlifts 6X4
calve raises 8X3
Day-3 off
roman chair twisting hyper-extensions 10X3
dip stand alternating leg raise 10X3 (both sides)
lying side scissor 10X3 (both sides)
kneeling back kick 10X3 (both sides)
incline side leg circle 10X3 circles (both sides)
decline crunches 10X3
decline to incline l-lateral raise 3X10 (one set in each posistion incline/flat/decline)
upper cable cross over 8X3
lying three way delt raise 6X3
decline dumbell alternating pull-over 3X8 (both sides)
bench press 8X3