Ive been wondering this lately, as im thinking of switching to an even higher frequency plan, and thus instead of workout volume, i may need to use weekly volume as a monitoring device.
Im not sure if these are rules, but i have heard this in the past.
For strength - 80%+ of (1rm)workout volume of ~10-20rep
For size - 65-85% of 1rm workout volume of ~25-50+ rep
Now these factors will vary based on the individual, and the exercise/body parts involved, but should be close enough for estimates.
Ive been reading in “Science and practice…” about the training intensity used by USSR olympic team for snatch and clean and jerk. According to the book, the most common training intensity is around 75% of training maximum. Im guessing that this is less due to the technical nature of these lifts, but I feel I’ll want to spend most of my training in the 75-90% of 1rm range.
Now back to volume.
So say im training at around 90%, i might do 10 singles normally. That would be a workout volume of 10 reps. I could probably handle this type of workout 2-3 times a week tops, thus i might say my weekly volume @ 90% would be 20-30 reps.
At a training intensity of 80%, i might be able to do 6-10 sets of 3. I could maybe handle this 2-3 times a week as well. That would be approximately 50-75 reps weekly.
90% ~ 20-30 reps weekly
80% ~ 50-75 reps weekly
Those are definately estimates at best, but should be accurate enough for my purposes. Now if i were to work out with a higher frequency, each muscle up to 5 times a week, I might possibly keep the weekly volume the same, and divide it throughout the week.
@ 90% 4-6 reps per workout
@ 80% 10-13 reps per workout
I would probably use both of these rep ranges, so possibly train twice a week at 90% and three times a week at 80%. I think then its possible that I would be able to do a slightly higher workout volume.
What do you guys think? 4-6 reps seems pretty low for a workout, even at 90%. Any advice?