Does anyone know where i can find out vin diesel’s training routine. i think that he has got a great body.
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
Does anyone know where i can find out vin diesel’s training routine. i think that he has got a great body.[/quote]
Yeah, I know his routine. A few crunches and push-ups and then just live your life a quarter-mile at a time. There, all nice and simple.
O dear
he benches frequently
C’mon Prof X, wer’e waiting!
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
Does anyone know where i can find out vin diesel’s training routine. i think that he has got a great body.[/quote]
Step one; Lift weights.
Step two; Eat healthy food.
Seriously if Vin’s physique is YOUR ideal, I think that’s just fine, there’s nothing wrong with that.
However, he’s got no secret or special routine. Hit the gym hard a few times per week, don’t neglect the lower half of your body and don’t eat what we all would call junk food.
It’s very attainable. And very simple.
Haven’t he trained most of his life? And isn’t bigger - that’s kinda sad.
[quote]Misterhamper wrote:
Haven’t he trained most of his life? And isn’t bigger - that’s kinda sad.[/quote]
maybe he doesn’t want to be bigger. no everyone wants to look like a giant prune with a head that can’t wipe his own ass. a lot of people would rather settle for the muscular yet athletic look. it’s more attractive and healthier:)
he used to be a bouncer
he was pretty bad ass in pitch black, that first picture doesn’t really look that good.
MuscleBear, you’re going to get yourself in trouble for the “healthier” comment
“More attractive” is a subjective opinion and makes no sense what so ever on a forum like this.
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
Does anyone know where i can find out vin diesel’s training routine. i think that he has got a great body.[/quote]
its right next to brad pitts workout.
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
Misterhamper wrote:
Haven’t he trained most of his life? And isn’t bigger - that’s kinda sad.
maybe he doesn’t want to be bigger. no everyone wants to look like a giant prune with a head that can’t wipe his own ass. a lot of people would rather settle for the muscular yet athletic look. it’s more attractive and healthier:)[/quote]
So you like your guys lean and some what smaller than you? Yeah you had better make sure they are healthy you wouldnt want end up like Freddie Mercury.
[quote]n3wb wrote:
MuscleBear wrote:
Misterhamper wrote:
Haven’t he trained most of his life? And isn’t bigger - that’s kinda sad.
maybe he doesn’t want to be bigger. no everyone wants to look like a giant prune with a head that can’t wipe his own ass. a lot of people would rather settle for the muscular yet athletic look. it’s more attractive and healthier:)
So you like your guys lean and some what smaller than you? Yeah you had better make sure they are healthy you wouldnt want end up like Freddie Mercury.
ok i deserved that. well seriously though, he is a big guy. he is much bigger than brad pitt and etc. well obviously no one here knows about his routines and you are offended for some reason so lets just forget it and close the thread.
oh and he’s not weak. he did one arm pushups with his feet on a chair in the ‘pacifier’. but of course, thats nothing to you guys. im sure you can do loads of these easily since you are so big
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
n3wb wrote:
MuscleBear wrote:
Misterhamper wrote:
Haven’t he trained most of his life? And isn’t bigger - that’s kinda sad.
maybe he doesn’t want to be bigger. no everyone wants to look like a giant prune with a head that can’t wipe his own ass. a lot of people would rather settle for the muscular yet athletic look. it’s more attractive and healthier:)
So you like your guys lean and some what smaller than you? Yeah you had better make sure they are healthy you wouldnt want end up like Freddie Mercury.
ok i deserved that. well seriously though, he is a big guy. he is much bigger than brad pitt and etc. well obviously no one here knows about his routines and you are offended for some reason so lets just forget it and close the thread.
oh and he’s not weak. he did one arm pushups with his feet on a chair in the ‘pacifier’. but of course, thats nothing to you guys. im sure you can do loads of these easily since you are so big ;)[/quote]
You watched that movie…umm it was in a movie. Toby Mquire jumped from building to building in his movie, so I want his training program.
If you wanna look like him, that’s fine, but like someone already said, he’s got no special secret. Just train hard, eat big, and wait for the results.
Why are you limiting yourself?
You can do better than vin. Also bear in mind that, Vin himself can give you the perfect routine and you will still end up not gaining anything from it. My point is its not so much the routine but the effort you put into it.
Hell I’m willing to bet with a enough research (on your part) on this site. You will come up with a far better routine than vin’s routine and come out looking far better. Remember this
X= 90+10
X= your body (100%)
y= rountine (10%)
z= effort(effort = not going through the motion in the gym…actually sweating. nutrition, displine, PERSISTENCE, having a plan/goal ) (90%)
Before you go off on a tangent saying i’m “hating”. I don’t care for his looks and yes I can do 1 arm push ups.
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
ok i deserved that. well seriously though, he is a big guy. he is much bigger than brad pitt and etc. well obviously no one here knows about his routines and you are offended for some reason so lets just forget it and close the thread.
oh and he’s not weak. he did one arm pushups with his feet on a chair in the ‘pacifier’. but of course, thats nothing to you guys. im sure you can do loads of these easily since you are so big ;)[/quote]
[quote]Mad Titan wrote:
Why are you limiting yourself?
You can do better than vin. Also bear in mind that, Vin himself can give you the perfect routine and you will still end up not gaining anything from it. My point is its not so much the routine but the effort you put into it.
Hell I’m willing to bet with a enough research (on your part) on this site. You will come up with a far better routine than vin’s routine and come out looking far better. Remember this
X= 90+10
X= your body (100%)
y= rountine (10%)
z= effort(effort = not going through the motion in the gym…actually sweating. nutrition, displine, PERSISTENCE, having a plan/goal ) (90%)
Before you go off on a tangent saying i’m “hating”. I don’t care for his looks and yes I can do 1 arm push ups.
MuscleBear wrote:
ok i deserved that. well seriously though, he is a big guy. he is much bigger than brad pitt and etc. well obviously no one here knows about his routines and you are offended for some reason so lets just forget it and close the thread.
oh and he’s not weak. he did one arm pushups with his feet on a chair in the ‘pacifier’. but of course, thats nothing to you guys. im sure you can do loads of these easily since you are so big
awesome reply:)you are right. i just had too much sugar makes me say silly things
Don’t piss off the DIESEL!!
[quote]MuscleBear wrote:
Mad Titan wrote:
Why are you limiting yourself?
You can do better than vin. Also bear in mind that, Vin himself can give you the perfect routine and you will still end up not gaining anything from it. My point is its not so much the routine but the effort you put into it.
Hell I’m willing to bet with a enough research (on your part) on this site. You will come up with a far better routine than vin’s routine and come out looking far better. Remember this
X= 90+10
X= your body (100%)
y= rountine (10%)
z= effort(effort = not going through the motion in the gym…actually sweating. nutrition, displine, PERSISTENCE, having a plan/goal ) (90%)
Before you go off on a tangent saying i’m “hating”. I don’t care for his looks and yes I can do 1 arm push ups.
MuscleBear wrote:
ok i deserved that. well seriously though, he is a big guy. he is much bigger than brad pitt and etc. well obviously no one here knows about his routines and you are offended for some reason so lets just forget it and close the thread.
oh and he’s not weak. he did one arm pushups with his feet on a chair in the ‘pacifier’. but of course, thats nothing to you guys. im sure you can do loads of these easily since you are so big
awesome reply:)you are right. i just had too much sugar makes me say silly things[/quote]
no problem
Why is the original poster getting so much abuse?
I’m guessing Vin is approx 210lbs at 10%? Which is a fine goal to aim for.
Just writing eat food and lift weights is a worthless response.
To the original poster, look up some Berardi nutrition articles, starting with Massive eating, and follow any of Waterbury’s Mass routines,
[quote]legend wrote:
Why is the original poster getting so much abuse?
I’m guessing Vin is approx 210lbs at 10%? Which is a fine goal to aim for.
Just writing eat food and lift weights is a worthless response.
To the original poster, look up some Berardi nutrition articles, starting with Massive eating, and follow any of Waterbury’s Mass routines,
ok will do, thanks