Vert/Speed Training Thread

Just thought since the westsiders have a thread, why not us? I know there is probably less people training for these things here but questions do come up a lot about the topics.

Just like the westside thread, this can be a place to post training logs, pr’s, methods that have worked or haven’t worked and ask questions. If there isn’t any interest we can just let the thread die out. I won’t be around all weekend because of a wedding but if there is interest by the time I come back I’ll start posting my workouts on monday.

Right now I am at the end of summer basketball season, and I am also training to look good on my honeymoon that is coming up :slight_smile: But after that, I am going to focus on my vert.

I plan on trying to get as strong as I can for a few months, and then work on reactive abilities, and maybe do some olympic stuff. Not quite sure how I am going to structure my training yet. It would be interesting to see how everyone else is training for their goals.

[quote]BobDigiNY wrote:
Just thought since the westsiders have a thread, why not us? I know there is probably less people training for these things here but questions do come up a lot about the topics.

Just like the westside thread, this can be a place to post training logs, pr’s, methods that have worked or haven’t worked and ask questions. If there isn’t any interest we can just let the thread die out. I won’t be around all weekend because of a wedding but if there is interest by the time I come back I’ll start posting my workouts on monday. [/quote]

the ironic thing is, a lot of my recent vert jump gains have come from some of the westside principles.
right now my strength is pretty good, just working on sprint technique, mainly my starts. my starts are my strong point relative to others, but my weak point in terms of technique and utilizing my power and explosion.
once i get a video camerea i will post my starts for you guys to critique.

I train using pretty much a westside template and I have had huge gains with my speed/vert without even doing very much running/plyometrics. My vert is up about 5 inches in the last year while gaining 30 lbs.

I’d like to see some of your dunks with that 46.5 vertical of yours…

Yea…some of the westside stuff is pretty useful for vert training…in my experience box squats proved very useful…

[quote]charizard123 wrote:
I’d like to see some of your dunks with that 46.5 vertical of yours…

Yea…some of the westside stuff is pretty useful for vert training…in my experience box squats proved very useful…[/quote]

yeah i can honestly contribute box squats for increasing my vert from 40 to 46 in the last two summers. if they are done right they are one of the best exercises out there.

I’d be happy to post. I post my workout log at another forum, I could just copy and paste here.

[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
I’d be happy to post. I post my workout log at another forum, I could just copy and paste here.[/quote]

I would really enjoy seeing your workout log. Your answers here are always insightful.


My off-season (lacrosse) is going to be set up this way:

phase1: Neanderthal No More
phase2: Strength
phase3: Speed/Explosiveness
phase4: Endurance

I’m pretty much going to train for one thing while maintaining the others. Phase 4 will be by far the shortest (the last couple of weeks).

I can post some logs here once I start.

For now I have a question though, How should I go about maintaining my strength and speed I gained while I’m training for endurance?

Monday’s workout:
dynamic warmup
wide stance squat to parallel

single leg squats - 3x8 w/50lb db’s
reverse hypers - 4x10 on swiss ball on bench
weighted decline situps - 4x10 w/55lb db

i haven’t done wide stance squat in about 6 months due to trying to get my narrow stance atg up. this is defranco’s 6 week vert workout but instead of trap bar dl im squating. if you guys have any comments on my workout let me know.

Where could i go about getting Defranco’s 6 week vert program? I dont see it on his website… just the 40 yard dash video.

Sorry… dont listen to my question… I just found the 6 week program in the Joe DeFranco site.

If any one else would like to view it, here is the link:

I also have another question relating box squats. What form do you guys use when training to impove vertical jump? Do you use a powerlifting stance or otherwise?

Thanks, any feedback would be appreciated

[quote]tajam wrote:
Sorry… dont listen to my question… I just found the 6 week program in the Joe DeFranco site.

If any one else would like to view it, here is the link:

I also have another question relating box squats. What form do you guys use when training to impove vertical jump? Do you use a powerlifting stance or otherwise?

Thanks, any feedback would be appreciated[/quote]

im pretty sure you should be taking a wide stance. i know thats what i do and thats what you will see all of defranco’s athletes doing in the pics on his site.

[quote]tajam wrote:
Sorry… dont listen to my question… I just found the 6 week program in the Joe DeFranco site.

If any one else would like to view it, here is the link:

I also have another question relating box squats. What form do you guys use when training to impove vertical jump? Do you use a powerlifting stance or otherwise?

Thanks, any feedback would be appreciated[/quote]

yeah definetly go with the wide stance, and really make sure to drive with the hips to finish off the movement. it seems to translate well to vert jumping. good luck with it.

Thanks for the advice guys. I will start using a wider stance.

I looked at Defranco’s program and it seems awsome but i dont have access to a reverse hyperextension machine. Could i substitute glute-ham raises or would something else be better?

glute-ham raises are a good substitute.

Recently I’ve become a big fan of doing ballistic work on the hack squat machine. Has anyone done this? I usually put a moderate amount of weight on, then slowly descend into the bottom position, then explode upwards while staying on my toes. I explode upwards with enough force that my feet come off the platform about an inch or two but I avoid slamming the sled at the top, because I keep my knees bent. Then I slowly decend again all the while staying on my toes. I usually do 6 to 8 sets of 6 to 8 reps, and boy does it fry my legs.

How do you perform box squats? Do you pause on the box for a second or touch and go ?

[quote]benchaffleck wrote:
Recently I’ve become a big fan of doing ballistic work on the hack squat machine. Has anyone done this? I usually put a moderate amount of weight on, then slowly descend into the bottom position, then explode upwards while staying on my toes. I explode upwards with enough force that my feet come off the platform about an inch or two but I avoid slamming the sled at the top, because I keep my knees bent. Then I slowly decend again all the while staying on my toes. I usually do 6 to 8 sets of 6 to 8 reps, and boy does it fry my legs.[/quote]

i’ve never done this, but it sounds like you are using it like a skyhawk machine. i can imagine it is a great leg workout. has it helped with your vertical or speed?

somebody on this site said that they had a skyhawk at their school and they knew somebody that used it a lot and could jump out of the gym. i do box jump squats for the same effect.

[quote]B.Ford wrote:
How do you perform box squats? Do you pause on the box for a second or touch and go ?[/quote]