Venom (Spiderman 3)

ultimate venom:

the ultimate comics are based off the movies and are lame… blah blah, so that’s why the story is all gay now. I assume this is exactly how they will play it off in the movie, so no need to actually go see it.

And yes, topher grace was confirmed as venom at the san-diego comic-con last weekend or the one before or something. I posted it in the other topher grace as venom thread too.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
The Brain wrote:
Excuse me if I’m wrong [or this has been mentioned before] - but isn’t Eddie Brock supposed be a fairly obsessive strength trainer? How the hell is Topher Grace supposed to pass off as a hardcore lifter?

Edited to include actual information and a picture of that 700 pound bencher himself. wrote:
Known Superhuman Powers: The alien costume, which has grafted itself to the nervous system of Eddie Brock, somehow absorbed the powers of Spider-Man during its brief symbiotic relationship with him. These powers have now been transferred to Brock, so long as he wears the costume. Brock had conditioned himself to lift (press) almost 700 lbs.

There are two major different story lines. They updated the Spiderman character in a newer “Ultimate” series. Marvel has been doing this with several comics like the X-men. It is a completely different take on the character and meant to bring it to a younger audience that didn’t grow up with him and doesn’t know the entire history.

In the Ultimate universe, he and Brock are the same age and the suit was designed as a military weapon. My guess is, that is what they will do here.[/quote]

Nerd Moment

I thought the suit was designed by Parker and Brock’s father to be a cure for cancer? Time to shuffle through some comics…

Wow someone has my avatar. All bow before mighty Appocalypse(s)!!

[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
ultimate venom:

the ultimate comics are based off the movies and are lame… blah blah, so that’s why the story is all gay now. I assume this is exactly how they will play it off in the movie, so no need to actually go see it.

And yes, topher grace was confirmed as venom at the san-diego comic-con last weekend or the one before or something. I posted it in the other topher grace as venom thread too.[/quote]

So they’ve re-written the entire history in the ultimate comics? You’re right. That is lame. Christ…

[quote]En Sabah Nur wrote:

Nerd Moment

I thought the suit was designed by Parker and Brock’s father to be a cure for cancer? Time to shuffle through some comics…

Wow someone has my avatar. All bow before mighty Appocalypse(s)!!


It was. It was also then stolen by Trask to use as a military weapon and both of their parents were killed in a plane crash “mysteriously”. The only reason I know this is because the Venom/Spiderman video game is based on that whole story line and they go into detail.

[quote]Rykker wrote:

So they’ve re-written the entire history in the ultimate comics? You’re right. That is lame. Christ… [/quote]

They did it in order to keep him a kid in spite of getting whatever powers he has. He’s only 15 years old in that story line and Mary Jane knows everything about him. They are doing the same with “Ulimate X-men” as all of the main characters (except for Wolverine, Beast and a few others) are now teenagers again. I can only guess it is helping sell comics or else they wouldn’t be doing it.

have any of you guys actually read the ultimate line? it’s quite badass.

i really don’t see how it’s lame redoing a classic story. is it lame because the world is moving past you? or the fact that it makes more sense now? it’s written better? the lines aren’t as cheesy?

honestly guys, you’re entitled to have your own opinion and what not, but just because something’s different doesn’t mean it sucks.

instead of sitting there talking shit about how the movie’s story line has changed or how the ultimate ALTERNATE UNIVERSE is different, i think one’s time would be far better used in growing up. things aren’t the same. deal with it!

i am however, quite upset with topher grace being venom.

however, if they can pull it off…then my butthurtedness will be all for nothing

[quote]faizan wrote:
i really don’t see how it’s lame redoing a classic story. is it lame because the world is moving past you? or the fact that it makes more sense now? it’s written better? the lines aren’t as cheesy?

honestly guys, you’re entitled to have your own opinion and what not, but just because something’s different doesn’t mean it sucks.

instead of sitting there talking shit about how the movie’s story line has changed or how the ultimate ALTERNATE UNIVERSE is different, i think one’s time would be far better used in growing up. things aren’t the same. deal with it![/quote]

Yeah, I guess they could redesign the Corvette, give it 4 doors, a V-6, make it a hatchback, and also front-wheel drive, and call it a Corvette. After all, things are different now. Anyone who thinks that would suck needs to grow up. Or maybe you do. Nobody’s making that big a deal about it, but it would be nice to see some superheroes who actually looked a little super. At least there is a modicum of the original content, but some would like to see better adaptations, since 100% translations aren’t feasible, anyway.

[quote]harris447 wrote:
Pootie Tang wrote:
Right now it would be impossible to do the proper origin of the Black Symbiote(sp?) suit because Spider Man originally got it in The Secret Wars. Topher grace is playing Sandman if I am not mistaken

You are mistaken. Thomas Hayden Church will be playing Sandman.

He will also not be drinking any fucking merlot.[/quote]


Let’s hope he doesn’t lose his wallet again.

[quote]faizan wrote:
have any of you guys actually read the ultimate line? it’s quite badass.

i really don’t see how it’s lame redoing a classic story. is it lame because the world is moving past you? or the fact that it makes more sense now? it’s written better? the lines aren’t as cheesy?

honestly guys, you’re entitled to have your own opinion and what not, but just because something’s different doesn’t mean it sucks.

instead of sitting there talking shit about how the movie’s story line has changed or how the ultimate ALTERNATE UNIVERSE is different, i think one’s time would be far better used in growing up. things aren’t the same. deal with it![/quote]
Your grammar is different. It isn’t an improvement though.
Saying that I am entiltled to my own opinion, then saying having my opinion means the world is moving past me is not really entitling me to my opinion.
I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why?

[quote]otoko wrote:

I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why? [/quote]

Like the Prof. alluded to, to capture the interest of the younger crowd that didn’t grow up with the original storyline; to sell comics.
Appeal to the masses to keep profits up. We older folks aren’t “the masses” any longer.

[quote]Rykker wrote:
otoko wrote:

I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why?

Like the Prof. alluded to, to capture the interest of the younger crowd that didn’t grow up with the original storyline; to sell comics.
Appeal to the masses to keep profits up. We older folks aren’t “the masses” any longer.


That’s true I guess.
Here in Japan they bring back the old comics by re-releasing them. Like Dragonball for example. Just start over from the beginning.

Though they could not do that with American comics since the stories span decades. Or they do not want to do that.
If they re-did Dragonball there might be an uprising.

[quote]Rykker wrote:
otoko wrote:

I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why?

Like the Prof. alluded to, to capture the interest of the younger crowd that didn’t grow up with the original storyline; to sell comics.
Appeal to the masses to keep profits up. We older folks aren’t “the masses” any longer.


Actually, we are. Comic sales seem to be up in the 25-35 year old crowd and the story lines reflect that. After listening to Harris, I started buying some of the graphic novels (where they put together all of the comics in a series under one cover and charge one price for it).

The Civil War story line isn’t for little kids. It also reflects a lot of the political discussion we have had here in some ways. Kids shouldn’t even touch the Punisher graphic novels. They are making a lot of these comics on a more adult level and they are selling. The art work is pretty impressive as well.

They simply realize that they now have to appeal to two different sets of audiences…those who actually grew up already…and those who don’t have a freaking clue what happened before the year 1995.

[quote]otoko wrote:
Rykker wrote:
otoko wrote:

I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why?

Like the Prof. alluded to, to capture the interest of the younger crowd that didn’t grow up with the original storyline; to sell comics.
Appeal to the masses to keep profits up. We older folks aren’t “the masses” any longer.

That’s true I guess.
Here in Japan they bring back the old comics by re-releasing them. Like Dragonball for example. Just start over from the beginning.

Though they could not do that with American comics since the stories span decades. Or they do not want to do that.
If they re-did Dragonball there might be an uprising. [/quote]

They also wouldn’t do that because the art work has grown since many of these comics first started. If you go grab an issue of the Civil War story line from Marvel, the artwork is miles ahead of what they were putting out 20 years ago. This stuff is real “art” now.

This will probably put Marvel on top for years to come. I was never really that into comics growing up aside from being aware of them and some of the more popular story lines. This is the first time they have switched things up enough for me to care. Things like Captain America becoming a fugitive or Spiderman being forced to reveal his identity on television and Johnny Storm being put in the hospital after getting beat up outside a nightclub.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
This will probably put Marvel on top for years to come. I was never really that into comics growing up aside from being aware of them and some of the more popular story lines. This is the first time they have switched things up enough for me to care. Things like Captain America becoming a fugitive or Spiderman being forced to reveal his identity on television and Johnny Storm being put in the hospital after getting beat up outside a nightclub.[/quote]

I have been trying to follow the Civil War series, it kicks ass. Also, where do you get the graphic novels that have a whole bunch of comics in them under 1 cover? Any recommendations for someone that wants to catch up over the past couple of years?

I just read that Jon Favreau is doing Iron Man. Production is starting in early 2007. I dont think any parts have been cast yet. From what I understand he’s going real old school in the beginning with Iron Mans grey suit.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
otoko wrote:
Rykker wrote:
otoko wrote:

I know the original story line from when I was a kid living in America. They redid it? Why?

Like the Prof. alluded to, to capture the interest of the younger crowd that didn’t grow up with the original storyline; to sell comics.
Appeal to the masses to keep profits up. We older folks aren’t “the masses” any longer.

That’s true I guess.
Here in Japan they bring back the old comics by re-releasing them. Like Dragonball for example. Just start over from the beginning.

Though they could not do that with American comics since the stories span decades. Or they do not want to do that.
If they re-did Dragonball there might be an uprising.

They also wouldn’t do that because the art work has grown since many of these comics first started. If you go grab an issue of the Civil War story line from Marvel, the artwork is miles ahead of what they were putting out 20 years ago. This stuff is real “art” now.[/quote]

Yeah I thought about that also. That makes sense. Much of the Japanese manga has not changed that dramatically, artistically. Looking at the cover in one of the posts Marvel’s artwork is pretty amazing.

[quote]faizan wrote:
"have any of you guys actually read the ultimate line? it’s quite badass.

i really don’t see how it’s lame redoing a classic story. is it lame because the world is moving past you?"

Nah its just lame cause the original was better. Now I want you to calm down or your allownace is gonna be cut off and you are gonna be forced to play with your sisters barbies and listen up.

Having an opinion does not constitute getting older or having stuff “pass you over”.

Did you actually read what you write before posting? "The ultimate alternative universe " for fucks sake that name it self is composed of old moldy cheese.

Now as we have the right to an opinion, his opinion was that it SUCKED.

Now run along.

[quote]Ren wrote:
Professor X wrote:
This will probably put Marvel on top for years to come. I was never really that into comics growing up aside from being aware of them and some of the more popular story lines. This is the first time they have switched things up enough for me to care. Things like Captain America becoming a fugitive or Spiderman being forced to reveal his identity on television and Johnny Storm being put in the hospital after getting beat up outside a nightclub.

I have been trying to follow the Civil War series, it kicks ass. Also, where do you get the graphic novels that have a whole bunch of comics in them under 1 cover? Any recommendations for someone that wants to catch up over the past couple of years?[/quote]

I got the House of M because it is part of what leads up to the major changes taking place now. You can probably buy this stuff on line now. I go to a local comic store because the lady there knows everything about every comic. I originally just bought them because I liked what they were doing with Luke Cage.