Velocity Diet Results

Thank you for sharing. Tomarrow will be my first week on the diet. I will post all results tomarrow but also didnt realize that this many people would be doing this diet! The craving for food are tough, even chow hall food is sounding good! My one meal yesterday was a VERY nice treat! Well I will post my 1st weeks results tomarrow when i get back from my night mission. Congrats on making it through and having such good results!

Quitting is not an option! :slight_smile:

Try to remeber cravings do not equal hunger. :wink: You can do it!

[quote]joeab wrote:
I’ve made it into week 3 now. Lost 11lbs. total & still only the 1" off my gut. The solid meals at the end of the week deffinetly help out. The cravings for things are still their though.

The walks have become a lot easier and the work outs are very good. My lifts haven’t suffered because of it.

I just keep thinking, “quiting is not an option.”[/quote]

OK. I will have my wife take some pictures tonight. Then I will PM you the before and afters tonight.


[quote]Colombian wrote:
where are the photos???[/quote]

Thanks! :slight_smile:

[quote]gags wrote:
congrats, i really gotta try this.[/quote]

You are welcome. I hope my post will serve as inspiration for you. Try to remeber the difference between cravings and hunger. I know that is easier said than done from first hand experience. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the congrats!

God bless you.


[quote]dastang21 wrote:
Thank you for sharing. Tomarrow will be my first week on the diet. I will post all results tomarrow but also didnt realize that this many people would be doing this diet! The craving for food are tough, even chow hall food is sounding good! My one meal yesterday was a VERY nice treat! Well I will post my 1st weeks results tomarrow when i get back from my night mission. Congrats on making it through and having such good results!

Beginning week 3 update

Today is the start of week 3 on the diet. I will 'fess up right now, I have gone to the one meal a day version vs. one meal a week. I am a pansy and I like to eat. The Grow shakes, while tasty, are not filling for me at all. I read some of Shugart’s blogs where he said that the shakes were filling for him and he did not have major hunger cravings. Not the case for me personally. By Thursday of week 1, I could barely speak to people and was not functioning very well. I felt awful and had zero energy. The one meal per day option has helped energy levels and mood significantly. Meals have been along the lines of grilled chicken and veggies, steak and baked potato, grilled chicken ceasar salad, etc… I am using Grow! and Surge the rest of the time. HOT-ROX is also in use. Here is what is happening so far: I have barely lost any scale weight. I started at 239 and was 238 this a.m., However, my pants are fitting significantly better. Also, I am using the 3 day workout routine described by Shugart in the article and my strengh levels are actually increasing each week. I don’t know if it is the increased protein intake or the decreased workout volume, but I am very pleased with this. I was hoping just to maintain strength levels. I will go back and re check bf % and circumference measures at the end of week four and do a comparision.

Wow…Sounds like you are having a horrible time. You might want to try a different diet if this one is leaving you socially inept like that.

oh, I don’t need a diet to be socially inept, I do fine with that on my own.