Hey, I’m pretty new to the forums, so please try not to ride me too hard. After looking over the Velocity Diet, I’ve decided to take that up and give it a shot, although I did change a few things and do not have the funds for all the supplements suggested. (This is a fairly long post, so please hang with me.)
Currently I’m 6’0", 192 lbs, ~13% bf with a goal of getting down to 180 while maintaining as much LBM as possible. Using a standard of body weight x 12 for base caloric intake (approx 2300), I figured that my target intake should be roughly close to that of the Velocity Diet, 1500 - 1700. I currently use Designer Whey and crunching a few numbers, I’ve come up with the following diet, so to speak: (in the form calories, protein, carbs)
Lifting Days (3 days per week)
Morning Meal (6:15 AM)
32oz Gatorade + 3 Scoops (470, 52.5, 62)
Mid Morning Meal (9:15 AM)
32oz Water + 3 Scoops (180, 52.5, 4)
Lunch (12:15 PM)
32oz Water + 1 Scoop (90, 17.5, 2)
1 Banana (184,3,43)
Afternoon Meal (3:15 PM)
32oz Water + 2 Scoops (180, 35, 4)
Lift (7:00 PM)
Post-Workout Shake
32oz Gatorade + 2 Scoops (380, 35, 60)
Total (1574, 195.5, 165)
Off Days (4 days per week)
Morning Meal (6:15 AM)
32oz Gatorade + 3 Scoops (470, 52.5, 62)
Mid Morning Meal (9:15 AM)
32oz Water + 3 Scoops (180, 52.5, 4)
Lunch (12:15 PM)
Designer Whey Protein Bar (330, 30, 32)
Afternoon Meal (3:15 PM)
32oz Water + 2 Scoops (180, 35, 4)
Evening Meal
32oz Water + 1 Scoop (90, 17.5, 2)
Total (1340, 187.5, 106)
Also, each day (7 days a week) there is HIIT in the morning (5:15AM at the YMCA) for 40 minutes (3 min warm up, 12 min interval, 8 min jog, 12 min interval, 5 min cool down – used on either treadmill or stationary bike). I usually do chest/tri (mon), back/bi (wed), legs/shoulders (fri) and alternate the three between heavy, moderate and light routines.
I just recently bought another tub of a different protein at GNC (ran out of Designer tubs), and subbing this protein values in the above diet, I got the following numbers.
Lifting days (1684, 203, 185)
Off days (1520, 210, 115)
I understand that both of these diets are under the range of 1500 - 1700, but would I be able to fall under this range and still be fine?
Also, would a different, more expensive protein be a wiser investment as a whey source than Designer Whey. Calculating the amount of tubs I would need for 4 weeks on the diet, the new protein would run me about 3x the cost of the Designer ($158 vs $54), but is it a better product?
HOT-ROX: Worth the investment during the diet or not? I took a different fat burner a couple years ago (can’t remember whether it was w/ or w/o ephedrine) and my sex drive completely died. I’m not sure if this an isolated incident, but since then, I’ve been skeptical of fat burners for that exact reason.
Overtraining: 40 minute HIIT in the morning, 60 min lifting in the evening, 15 min light running (post lift), is overtraining inevitable? Should I rework my HIIT schedule or just not do it at all? Would a slight jog/brisk walk be better in the morning than HIIT on this diet?
Surge: Worth the investment to shed a few pounds? I am only interning this summer, so I don’t have a lot of money to throw around. I have to pick and choose which suppelements will aid me the best.
Gatorade: Is it ok to have 2 shakes per day using gatorade? I know it has a high glycemic index and pushes my carbs well over 100g/day, but considering both shakes are after workouts, is that ok? If not, what alternatives can I use that will possibly lower my carb intake, yet keep my calories within the range I need?
Fish Oils/Fat Supplements: Currently, I am only taking Mega Vitamin Gold? and L-Glutamine (both GNC brands). Considering nearly all of my meals are some sort of protein shake or bar, should I be investing in fish oils or some type of supplement to account for fats?
Starting this past monday, I’ve been doing the interval training, lifting and doing the shakes with 2-3 solid meals (I’m getting about 1800 calories), but I want to see how my body reacts to this mostly-liquid diet. Obviously I’m pissing a lot more, but with the protein shakes, I seem to be shitting fire. Is there anything I can do/take to calm this down or should I expect this for the next 4 weeks?
Any comments and/or advice are more than appreciated. If I forgot to include anything, please let me know. Thanks everyone!