How do you deal with them? Whenever they tell me that vegetarianism is healthy, and that meat makes you fat, I try to explain, then I just shut up because I get this overpowering urge, that, to quote Brock Strasser, makes me want to kick out their teeth because they don’t deserve the right to chew food. I know that part of the problem is that it takes 6 months worth of study to begin to understand insulin release, etc., so explaining it in 2-3 sentences is hard to do. “High glycemic index foods coupled with fat and chronic insulin spikes makes you fat” is much more technical and difficult to understand than “Meat makes you fat.”
Worse, though, is how much they shun the paleo-eating thing (beans, fruits, green things, nuts, meat). I explain that cavemen only ate plants in between eating meat, but they refuse to believe that. I explain that people evolved more to eat meat than to eat pasta, but...
Real soon I’m going to start throwing opened canned salmon at vegetarian houses, then beat the shit out of their anemic asses. I need help. I need to get off this damn college campus.
College campuses are the breeding grounds of liberal think and supposed intellectualism. In both cases, they are born out of a lack of real-world experience. Man, we have a few college interns in my area – talk about a bunch of granola crunching tree huggers.
You could also tell them that eating meat, as you do, increases homocidal tendencies and shortens one’s tolerance for people spouting their dogma. Say it with as much of a deranged look as you can muster up, and watch them run away.
Or, you can say, “Oh, cool. Good luck with that whole vegetarian thing. Listen, I’m gonna head to the gym. After that, I’m going to go have some sex, and I’ll do it with the lights on because I lack an embarrisingly soft physique. Later, man.”
Damn vegetarians, they all think the same thing. Just like all the bodybuilders do roids and all those people who do more than one set are overtraining.
In all seriousness, I think a lot of vegetarians are very misinformed and don’t understand their bodies well enough but think they do just because they have exposed themselves to SOMETHING of informational value, while the typical American consumer really doesn’t know shit, and what they are eating probably WILL make them fat. Thus, they find themselves to be “right” according to what they know.
Now, speaking as a vegetarian of almost 11 years - I can’t eat granola hardly at all - it messes up my blood sugar (which was screwed before I ever decided to cut out meat, but had more to do with dumping sugar on cereal as a young idiot). But in general, I tend to avoid most vegetarians too, as they really DON’T know what they are talking about and don’t realize it yet. Most meat eaters don’t know these things either, but meat eaters probably aren’t pushing you to eat meat, if you do already.
Awesome reply. True, too. My girlfriend makes me keep the lights on.
It’s still funny, though, not the sex, the vegetarians. Every time I suggest people eat healthier–stop frying, don’t eat sugar or bleached grains, eat less processed food, replace some carbs with fats–I’m the crazy one.
In other aggravating news, my best friend became a vegan buddhist recently. I trained 3X a week with this guy for 3 years, then his now ex-girlfriend all but cut off his balls. He did cut out soy, though.
Obviously, I partially agree with you. Honestly, what people eat is their own business. Personally, I only use my above reply on Vegetarians who spout their dogma and try and convert me. For vegetarians are more “do you own thing” I really just say, “You don’t eat meat? Great! more for me, hehe…” But that sex comment is funnier. Oh well.
I’m sure a vegan diet consisting of gallons of hydrogenated oils and table sugar would be much healthier than one consisting of fruits vegetables and lean meats…
I can see that you want to rant, but I have to ask why most people post questions like this. Is it to get people to give you reasons or facts to argue or is it to debate? Same thing with religion posts here. You will not change a person’s ideas unless they can see it physically, and even then, you may have a tough time. As far as which is healthier, that’s up to what you eat. Bill Pearl is a vegetarian and at 74,is as big as I hope i can get.(and trains for three hours, so take that you overtraining scare mongers. :). Just give them the neanderthal answer they expect you to give and say fuck off. All they want to do is prove some sort of superiority of life choice. Do it and let hem blow off. They don’t affect your life.
I was a vegetarian for 15 years. Mainly because I hate the way animals are abused in the modern factory farms. I find nothing wrong with killing an animal and eating it, but I still think they should be treated with some kind of respect while alive. They should be able to move around, and not be unnecessarily stressed or tortured. That said, while I was a vegetarian, I was always weak and tired. Kept going to different doctors, and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. When I started eating meat again, 2years ago, I started to feel much better right away. That’s when I joined a gym and started working out. Now I’m a member of PETA (people eating tasty animals).
I read an interesting article recently which provides a great rebuttle to vegans who try to push their way of life on others as a healthier lifestyle. The article was by Dr. Barry Bogins, a professor of anthropology at U of Michigan. It gives the findings of a study by him along with some Nutritional anthropologists on the nutritional habits and health of our paleolithic ancestors. Apparently they can pin point what they ate by analyzing bone and fossilized human waste. First off, yes stone age people did not live as long as we do today. Many died in childbirth, hunting mishaps, and from infection due to lack of antibiotics. However the ones who escaped these problems did not, later in life, face cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, or obesity, most of the major killers today. Paleolithic people were also, on average, an inch taller, and carried more muscle mass than we do today with the same sized brain. What did the analysis show they ate? They ate wild game, fish, foul and eggs, and about 150g of fibre per day in the form of vegetables, nuts, berries, tubors and other foraged foods. More importantly it was what they did’nt eat that kept them healthier than humans today. They ate virtually no sugar (a small amount of fruit and honey in some places),some grains and certainly no processed grains. They consumed low levels of sodium and low amounts of saturated fats. Even in areas where game was abundant, they were lean and their meat contained more unsaturated fat due to being grass fed as opossed to grain fed today. This article also mentioned that the average North American eats more sugar in a day and more processed grain in a month, than a paleolithic person ate in a lifetime. They also did not drink the milk of other animals, but their plant food was so calcium rich that they averaged 1900mg calcium/dy. All they drank was plain old H2O. In addition it was noted that the average modern day person only burns 400 calories a day. I guess driving a car and sitting behind a computer and t.v most of the day does’nt utilize much energy. The average stone age person burned 1600 calories per day. This article seemed to make a lot of sense to me and shows that being an active, health conscious omnivor, who avoids processed flour and sugar is probably the healthiest lifestyle. Kind of sounds like many of the diets we read about in T-mag from people like Berardi.
I feel your pain. Stupid vegetarians … i put up with a few (during our daily feeding time on campus no less) until about 3 of them came up anemic and the other a faggot. Debating with this kind is useless, leave them to roll about in their own ignorance, or kill them, there is no compromise.
Every time the vegan issue comes up someone mentions Bill Pearl and how huge he is. Just to set the record straight, here are a couple of facts about Pearl:
Yes, the man IS huge. He’s also a genetic freak. Anyone who can win the Universe four times over three separate decades is NOT your average bobdybuilder. So let’s not hold him up as some sort of example of what the vegan lifestyle can do for you.
Also, Pearl became a vegan well AFTER he build his mass. I don’t remember exactly, but he became a “mostly” vegan in 1967 (I think) and a full vegan after his last Universe win in 1971. Considering that his competitive BB career started with a win (Mr. America, if I’m not mistaken) back in 1953, there was obviously a long period of time when he was training full-bore at his top bodyweight (or very close to it) before he gave up meat.
Building a body and maintaining a body are very different propositions, so let’s not confuse the two. I know several top-flight bbers who have maintained on a vegan diet (Andreas Cahling comes to mind), but I don’t know of anyone who’s built a top-flight body on a vegan diet.
If anyone knows of a counter-example, though, please feel free to contribute…
he’s not a vegan, Deek, he’s a vegetarian. he eats eggs and dairy. I wasn’t using him to defend vegetarians, just as an example. How about steven holt then? and I don’t care as Im not a vegetarian. Just some point/counterpoint. also, sure, you make an attempt at arguing a valid point, but you fail miserably. He’s been a vegetarian for thirty years, so even if he did become one at his max, then he would have lost lots of mass if vegetarianism (is ism the right suffix?)was bad for muscle development.
Seriously. How do I deal with them?? Simple. I don’t. I discriminate based on diet all the time. Why would I want to do business or have an employee who is a vegitarian? I wouldn’t because I know they won’t be healthy and the will not be as efficient as they could be. What about drive? The need to succeed. Vegitarians just don’t have it like some one who eats their body weight in grams of flesh each day. Not to mention it is hard not to think of how stupid they are every time you see them. I try not to be around people I don’t like and respect. “VEGITARIAN is Indian word for LOUSY HUNTER”
If you watched the FOX News Show on Thursday night, you would have seen Bill O tear into a playboy bunny that in her blondness was strong sawing that everyone should be a veggy head. Dawn he almost brought her to tears. It was a pleasure to watch. Check out his website and they may have a transcript.
I feel your pain. Stupid vegetarians … i put up with a few (during our daily feeding time on campus no less) until about 3 of them came up anemic and the other a faggot.
And there you have it folks, one in four vegetarians is turned into a faggot.
Wait for consumer reports on fairies from the bottom of the garden kidnapping children for the slave market.