Utilizing 1Rep Max


I hit another 1-rep max today!

This one is a stiff leg dead variation. It’s a lift I invented and it’s a tough one but genius. It’s a lift I made which rehabbed my disk issue, worked wonders.

I take a 100# plate with a loading pin, put a collar on it, then take another 100 put a collar on it (that’s 200#). I grip the top plate and lift, you can’t do a full lockout with this but your are starting from a stiff leg position.

So I just load more plates on that top collar.

I lifted today 380 x1 which is a 10# PR.

How do I know this is a 1-rep max? Well I did this lift about over a month ago with 370 and got 1.5reps failed the 2nd.

I also always fail my 1st attempt with this, I budge it first.

I changed my warmup this time from doing singles only and last time I did like 330 x1 which totally fuked the mindset.

Today I worked up to 310x6, plus ate a cliff bar. Added 70# and strained hard and made it!

The glutes and hams are smoked!!!

To put things in perspective, the Hack RDL I did Saturday was 15# less than my Hack Dead lift PR, but it was a new lift. Feeling the heaviness off the rack is bad for the mind, but it was still a great feeling to the body maxing it!

There’s nothing like a 1-rep max!!!

Here is a 1-rep max I did over a month ago while I had TMJ. I didn’t stand errct with it because I was worried about my TMJ which actually went away the very next day after this lift, see 1-rep max are medicine. I’m sure reps would have not helped my TMJ. TMJ is hell.

Here’s a good video on someone who only trained a top one rep set, he also owned a gym in the 80s and had everyone doing this.

Note: I’m not a minimalist and have no desire for that. I love my daily light super high rep work. This is also what I mean when saying you must learn quickly if you are talented. This guy dead lifted 800 before he was even age 20, so he had talent.

I’m from this area too, my strongman chairman trained with all these guys. He spotted Kirk squatting back in the day. Hell, Kirk came up to train strongman one day, he was retired from powerlifting and I had no clue who he was. One day I’ll share what I saw him do, guy is a freak.

I just think this vid is interesting and it gets me pumped about 1-rep maxes-

Zerchers, why are these important?

Because they hit you at different areas and stretch you out.

I did these today because I felt achy and they did the trick.

Here’s what went down-

Zercher dead lift where you lift from floor, sit bar on thighs, position in elbows and lift. I also lowered the weight to the floor with bar in elbows and lifted fully stretched with 250 x1 first time ever!

I then hit 300 x1 lowering the bar back to my thighs and gripping with hands back to the floor.

That’s a 10# PR, 1-rep done, no sets of 1, just 1-rep.

I’ll won’t be doing any 1-rep stuff next week.

How many weeks “on” heavy singles before the week “off” heavy singles?

I’ve got a very busy week of work this week, unusually busy with meetings so I won’t have access or time for heavy training.

There is a fitness center at the office, so it’s gonna be light high rep stuff as I get the time.

Otherwise I’d do something heavy for 1-rep. I should be back at it starting Saturday.

But I’m sure there needs to be time to not do them, when and how long should be unique for each person. If you got a busy week coming up like me, take the break then.

This is also why I’m saying Zerchers in this thread, because you can feel beat up and think you are done with 1-reps, hit a Zercher and feel totally different.

I didn’t have Zerchers planned at all today, I originally thought I was gonna do deficit farmers dead’s again, but changed my mind.
The Zerchers totally put my body into some excellent stimulus!!!

All I did was 3-sets, after a high rep floor press, which warmed me up.

220 x2 (2nd rep was fully from the floor)
Yup 220 was my 1st set.
250 x2 PR from off the floor
300 x1 PR for 10#