What does everybody think about this program using westside techniques for olympic lifting and power lifting.
Snatch, power clean- 50-60% of 1RM
Max effort exercise- good mornings
1 legged squats 3 x 6-8, seated good morning 3 x 5
glute ham raise 3 x 10-20
reverse hypers 3 x 8-12
reverse crunch
Max effort exercise- cg incline press
Push press 6 x 3, 50-60% of 1 RM
Decline db triceps ext 7 x 8
1 arm db row 3 x 8-12
seated db cleans 3 x 8-12
Box squats- 8 x 2, 60-70% of 1RM
ME-power clean from blocks below knees
Romanian deads 4 x 6
Explosive reverse hypers 4 x 4-8
Russian twist 4 x 6-8
Bench press 9 x 3, 50-60% of 1RM 3 different grips
ME- push jerk
Barbell triceps ext 3 x 8
t-bar row 5 x 5
db shoulder press2 x 8
db hammer curls 3 x 10
Louie Simmons wrote an article on using the westside method for olympic lifting for Milo magazine a few years back. If you get one of their catalogs, you probably can get a back issue.
Binford said "if doing squat and bench press with 50 to 60% of your 1 RM helps increase power why wouldn’t it be good for olympic lifts? "
well, performing benches and squats at 50-60% of 1RM is the use of lighter loads to allow a greater bar speed and therefor more power. But olympic lifts are different. They already demand a high amount of bar speed or the lift is not successful. They are powermovements so using less weight wont significantly increase power, it may even decrease it. When you powersnatch, you move the bar sufficiently fast enough that it will travell from about your waist level to above you head with minimal help durring that phase of the movement. So using lighter weights will do what... Probably not much, if you use half that weight you will be able to pull the bar quicker yes but you may be able to pull it too fast and either, throw the bar too high - therefor causing a loss of timing/technical performance, or, you will intentionally lift the bar slower than you are capable of and invest less effort- that would defeat the purpose and it would become less of a powermovement. Also you would not be using the CAT that is necassery when exercising as outlined by westside for maximal power. The CAT method is used during normal olympic lifts but not necasserily when doing sub maximal lifts.
50% no, but 60% is acceptable. I would advocate between 60 and 85% for Oly lifts. Using lower percentages teachs form, bar speed, etc. before moving up to higher weights.
Working a submaximal weight for speed and power will work for almost any lift. What matters is the optimal range for maximal power production. It just so happens that one can generate large amounts of power in the 50-60% rep ranges in the bench and squat. In the olympic lifts, the optimal rep ranges might be 75-90%…I really don’t know. I do know that reps below about 70% in the olympic lifts are rather useless.
Well actually Louie Simmons uses 75-85% for dynamic effort its just he uses 25% band or chain for accommodating resistance so you would only use 50-60% of actual weight to make it 75-85%. Without accomadating resistance I find using 70-85% in actual weight for dynamic effort works and that is the range you should hit the majority of your Olympic lifts in.