Using the Overload System for Maximal Strength

Hi CT,

I just finished reading ‘the Overload System for Strength’. I really liked it, it is well written and comprehensive. I got so motivated by reading your (and Tom’s) book that I decided to shift my focus away from fatloss and towards building maximal strength.

I want to apply all that I’ve learned from this book to a new program that I’m developing for maximal strength (size gains are not the main priority but would certainly be a nice bonus).

The general layout of the program would be:

Split: lift specific or lift specific-whole body hybrid (I want to use specialization rotation, which may require using a hybrid form)

Frequency: 3-4 times/week with 1-on/1-off schedule

Strategy: overload system for the main lifts or assistance exercises depending on the type of split being used

Number of exercises: 4 to 6 depending on the complexity of the selected exercises

Block length: 2-4 weeks depending on the type of block (accumulation, intensification, realization or peaking)

Program length: 12-16 weeks (16 weeks would only be the case when multiple specialization phases are used)

Exercise variation: minimal: I want to gain maximal technical efficiency on the main lifts and I’m not efficient at transferring gains from main lift variations to the main lifts. Neurotype 2B-3.

Main variation: contraction type using the OCTS approach on the main lifts or assistance exercises depending on the type of split being used.

Specialization rotation: I would like to use specialization phases for the overhead press, the back squat and the chinup (although the latter is not considered a main lift).

My reasons to specialize on the overhead press, back squat and chinup:

  • When comparing my overhead pressing weight to my bench press, I found that I’m severely lacking overhead strength. I also want to give more attention to the overhead press because I think it’s a badass lift to be really strong at.

  • I’m bad at using my legs in barbell lifts like the back squat, front squat and deadlift. When I say bad I mean really bad. I can bench press more than I can squat. It’s probably a combination of stability issues in the bottom position and a faulty motor pattern (I have a tendency to start the lift with my lower back in the bottom position of a squat and deadlift). I’ll admit that body leverage wise (long legs, average arms with shorter upper arms) I am built for the bench press but squatting less than I can bench is still unacceptable to me.

  • Just like the overhead press I believe that being great at chinups for reps and load looks powerful. The improved scapular stability and upper back strength is also a nice bonus for increased pressing strength.

Based on the layout above, I see two options to program for improving those lifts:

Option 1: doing two accumulation blocks in a row lasting 3 weeks each with a separate specialization block for the overhead press and the back squat, just like the example for bench pressing outlined in your book.

So a 4-day training week for the overhead press/back squat could look like this:

Day 1: eccentric day: overhead press OR back squat as main lift & assistance exercises + chinups

Day 2: isometric day: overhead press & bench pressing work (3-5 sets) OR back squat & assistance exercises + row

Day 3: normal lifting with no special methods: back squat & romanian deadlift OR overhead press & bench press & assistance exercises + chinups

Day 4: concentric day: overhead press OR back squat & assistance exercises + row

The first accumulation block could be a specialization for the overhead press, the second accumulation block for the back squat.

The intensification, realization and peaking block would use a lift-specific hybrid of overhead press, back squat and chinup (the latter is limited to a frequency of 2x/week and placed on isometric and concentric days).

The intensification and realization blocks would be 3 weeks long. The peaking block 2 weeks. The total length of the program would thus be 14 weeks.

Option 2: using a lift specific hybrid approach for all the blocks with a training frequency of 3 times/week. The overhead press, back squat and chinup are trained in each workout, using the OCTS approach as the core of the program. The accumulation and intensification blocks are 4 weeks long, the realization block 3 weeks and the peaking block 2 weeks. The total length of the program would be 13 weeks long.

In your professional opinion, which option would suit my situation the best?

I’ll be honest, option 1 motivates me more than option 2 but I am willing to make the necessary adjustments for more strength gains.

Please feel free to share extra options if you feel like there are better approaches.

I’ll also share the first draft of my program in this thread so you could have a look at it if you’d like that.

Thank you.

So I’ve come across an obstacle while writing the first draft of my program.

I’m starting off with a lift specific specialization phase for the OH press.

An example of how a specialization phase for a lift might look volume wise is given in the book. About half of your weekly volume that you would normally do on the main lifts and their assistance exercises is spent on the lift that you want to specialize on, as long as the total weekly volume is kept the same as when you would do normal training.

But what if you’re using contraction type variation (OCTS) during your specialization phase? Doesn’t that type of work increase recovery demands by a lot?

Say I’m doing 15 worksets per workout and I train 4 days a week, that would mean I’m spending about 30 worksets on OH press & assistance exercises spread over the entire training week. I can’t help but wonder if spreading this amount of volume over an eccentric, isometric and concentric day using special methods will be too much to be able to recover from. It’s the first phase so I’m using slow eccentrics, stato dynamics and normal lifting but still…

This raises the question: is spending half the weekly volume on a lift only appropriate when you’re using normal concentric lifting?

I would appreciate your guidance on this subject very much. I want to use your system the right way.