I’m sure many are in the same boat: 9-5 desk jockey job, physical enthusiast, held back by some degree of lordosis related back pain. With bad lordosis, working out HURTS. So we need to “prehab/rehab/whatever” just to be fit enough to work out. Ugh. Well for the past few months I’ve used a discrete, no-extra-time-invested way to aid in the correction of anterior pelvic tilt.
All you have to do is activate/engage (just fancy words for “flex”) your glutes while sitting at your desk throughout the day. It helps to have an ergo step for your feet or a couple of books, just a way to elevate your feet a couple inches. While sitting square, no torsion in your waist, knees around 90 degrees, “push the ground away” with your feet. Correctly performed, your butt should raise a half inch or so. Hold the contraction for a minute or longer (I’ll lose track and hold it for 5 minutes or more) and just find a way to remind yourself to do it through the day.
The danger of sitting is not the effect the position itself has on your glutes/abs/hips, it’s the fact that you hold this position for extended periods during the day for many, many days. Weak glutes are a main culprit in 99% of lordosis cases, especially for those with desk jobs. The frequency of the activation will keep your glutes alive as opposed to dead while you sit on them all day.
Pointers to make this work even better.
Use visualization if you are having trouble. Imagine what you would do if you touched your ass to hot water, or if someone put a finger dangerously close to your asshole. I’m being serious. Raise the hips!
When you got the hang of flexing them at will, focus on isometrically contracting them as hard as you can. Brace the abs. Your legs should be quivering. Make it difficult to hold for 30 seconds.
2a) Perform kegels with this drill just to knock out another bird with the same stone. My wife noticed after only a couple weeks of constant daily practice that my erection feels ten times harder and sex instantly felt better for both of us.
- Do NOT neglect the other facets of a healthy low back: ab strengthening and hip stretching. Foam rolling too, if you have a roller at home. Do these drills habitually throughout the day.
In closing, I am NOT A FAN of devoting workout time to rehab when I should be getting stronger/ACTUALLY working out. Thus, you MUST make it a habit to do all the things necessary to keep your body structurally sound HABITUALLY throughout the day. I do RKC planks, hip stretching, glute raises on the couch or bed, this glute drill at my desk, and stretch throughout the day at work–this way I don’t sacrifice workout time for rehab time.
There exists an ass load of articles addressing drills to correct structural issues, especially lordosis, and most of these require NO EXTRA EQUIPMENT. God damn it, why do people still have back problems?!! Do these drills when you get home in your bedroom or in front of your TV.
I work out in my garage for an hour every morning before my wife and FOUR kids wake up and spend LESS than 10 minutes warming up before doing so. I’m an engineer and spend an average of nine hours on my ass at work. BUT… I have ZERO back pain and I’m stronger and physically far more impressive than the walking donuts inhabiting my office. You can have your cake and eat it too.