I’ve been reading this site for awhile, and have loved reading the forums. This is my first time posting.
Here is a little background, I’ve been lifting seriously for about 3 years and am 20 years old. I realized how many trainees failed by immediately going into the arm/chest specialization so I worked hard on squats and deadlifts. This past year I did the 20 rep squat program and ended at 225 lbs. I know this isn’t great, but I’m still working hard. Also, I was able to get my deadlift up to a 405 max.
Now here is my problem: I need work on the upper body. I’ve been told this many times, and am taking it to heart now. In the past, I’ve done some bench work and weighted dip work, but this has always been secondary to things like military presses. I’m thinking of trying something like:
I’m really new to the iron game but from everything I’ve read it looks like you need to add more back work to help even out all the chest work. Keep eating clean, hitting the gym and reading and I’m sure you’ll see the gains you’re looking for
Bench presses and dips for chest, military presses for shoulders, chins rows and cleans for back.
[quote]BackInAction wrote:
Hey guys,
I’ve been reading this site for awhile, and have loved reading the forums. This is my first time posting.
Here is a little background, I’ve been lifting seriously for about 3 years and am 20 years old. I realized how many trainees failed by immediately going into the arm/chest specialization so I worked hard on squats and deadlifts. This past year I did the 20 rep squat program and ended at 225 lbs. I know this isn’t great, but I’m still working hard. Also, I was able to get my deadlift up to a 405 max.
Now here is my problem: I need work on the upper body. I’ve been told this many times, and am taking it to heart now. In the past, I’ve done some bench work and weighted dip work, but this has always been secondary to things like military presses. I’m thinking of trying something like: