I’m not gonna bore any of you with a ton of details about myself. Long story short, what would you guys recommend to put into a program that will get an upper back/similar to this? Thanks for your help guys.
Holy fuck, do I have mutant powers?
As soon as I saw this thread I bet myself it would start with a pic of Tom Hardy.
Block/mat pulls, chins and rows.
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
Block/mat pulls, chins and rows.[/quote]
I think some direct work for the mid/lower traps is worth doing too.
[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
As soon as I saw this thread I bet myself it would start with a pic of Tom Hardy.[/quote]
Tom Hardy’s traps are the new Brad Pitt’s abs.
[quote]DocD4321 wrote:
I’m not gonna bore any of you with a ton of details about myself.[/quote]
Yep, because boring details like height, weight, and current training program aren’t relevant at all.
No real secrets. Take your pick from all sorts of rows, chins/pulldowns, deadlifts, cleans, high pulls, shrugs, and/or face pulls.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
As soon as I saw this thread I bet myself it would start with a pic of Tom Hardy.[/quote]
Tom Hardy’s traps are the new Brad Pitt’s abs.[/quote]
don’t forget there was a few years when everybody wanted to look like George St Pierre too
I would start with getting an identical tattoo.
[quote]Yogi wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
Block/mat pulls, chins and rows.[/quote]
I think some direct work for the mid/lower traps is worth doing too.[/quote]
[quote]DocD4321 wrote:
I’m not gonna bore any of you with a ton of details about myself. Long story short, what would you guys recommend to put into a program that will get an upper back/similar to this? Thanks for your help guys.[/quote]
Perfect lighting and a professional film crew.
I would recommend adding one of CT’s favorite exercises, the snatch grip high pull, to your repertoire.
[quote]roybot wrote:
[quote]DocD4321 wrote:
I’m not gonna bore any of you with a ton of details about myself. Long story short, what would you guys recommend to put into a program that will get an upper back/similar to this? Thanks for your help guys.[/quote]
Perfect lighting and a professional film crew. [/quote]
Plus lots of juice, and lots of couch time.
snatch grip rack pulls + loaded carries
There is an article on how he (Tom Hardy) trains on chaos and pain. I’m sure your google-fu is strong enough to find it.
Kroc rows
In addition to all of the above.
Poorly executed lateral raises. Behind-the-head overhead presses. Weighted pullaparts (you can hook the middle of a chain to a high pulley, grab the ends, step back a few feet and then pull the ends apart).