Updated T-Dawg..Chris Shugart

Chris Shugart, I was just wondering how your new version of the T-Dawg diet is working out for you. Have you found the magic number of carbo grams per day (100).


I gave an update in another post. Sorry, can’t remember where now. Basically, the diet has gone beyond being a “T-Dawg II” diet. It may even include three phases- bulking, maintaining, cutting. I’ve lost 7 pounds on it so far and seem to be keeping all my muscle gains from my previous bulking cycle I used to reach 215. Strength and “pump” in the gym are great too, even though I’m controlling the carbs. The theme of the new diet will be “Keep it Simple” or “Don’t Sweat the Details”- something like that. Maybe “Lazy Man’s Diet” because it’s truly about as pain free as you can get. Most people tell me that the T-Dawg is really easy to follow. This one should be even easier. I’ll need a few more weeks to play around with it, especially if I decide to do a full blown Bulking/Cutting program out of it.

Chris and Adam…the full-blown post that Chris is referring to was up some time last week in response to a guy wondering if he should keep bulking or start cutting. I believe it was put up last Friday. The title would have been something about bulking/cutting though.

Thanks guys