I’ve been doing my BB rows underhanded per dorian Yates but the more I keep reading it seems he had problems with injuries in his bicep rowing like that. Has anyone been injured by this? I row just above two plates right now and I don’t want to run into an injury in the future
Same reason I deadlift double overhand.
You gotta go by feel on such things. I dont mixed grip dead either b/c it feels like shit on my biceps, whereas I’ve yates rowed 365 for reps and felt no stress on them at all.
As for Yates himself, iirc he tore his bis rowing 500 while in a caloric deficit a short time before the Olympia. So you’ll probably be fine.
Thanks man I guess I’ll just keep it then untill I feel something funny if I ever even do.
And damn on the row weight that’s awesome .
[quote]texas man wrote:
Thanks man I guess I’ll just keep it then untill I feel something funny if I ever even do.
And damn on the row weight that’s awesome .[/quote]
Just make sure you’re warmed up before the heavy sets. Keep the movement in your back so to speak. Ideally you’ll be avoiding the amount of elbow flexion that causes you to strain your bis. If you ever watch a video of anyone straining the bicep, it’s because they unintentionally flexed at the elbow with heavy ass weights.