(Un)Official 2023 T-ransformation Challenge

Outstanding work!

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That’s outstanding work dude!

Never had their ground beef, but I hear nothing but good things about it. I’ve had their stuff frozen for 1+ years and it still turns out fantastic.



Hey folks,

This is something I’ve been kicking around in my brain for a while now and I wanted to create a post around it to see if it was useful for those of you transforming. I feel like it’s been a great way to keep myself on task while allowing for the necessary chaos that is life (since chaos is the plan and all).

I touched on this in my “Velocity Diet Family Man” thread, but ultimately, while following the diet, I effectively followed TWO diets: The Velocity Diet, and Jamie Lewis’ “Apex Predator Diet”. Both diets are VERY similar and differences are more nuanced. Velocity Diet has one healthy solid meal a day, Apex Predator has 1-2 meals a day that are pure carnivore. Velocity Diet keeps calories consistent day to day, Apex Predator varies calories through the week, to include a high fat/calorie day, a high carb/calorie day, and a low calorie day.

What was great about following 2 diets concurrently? If I “failed” one diet, it meant I succeeded at another. If I ended up having an extra meal one day because I was meeting the wife for lunch, it meant I complied with the Apex Predator Diet that day: NOT that I failed to achieve my goals with Velocity Diet. If I couldn’t get any bone-in meat for dinner one day, it meant I was following the Velocity Diet that day. You get where I’m going.

This can work with nutritional protocols vs specific diets as well. After 7 weeks of the above, I’m transitioning toward a carnivore/keto/paleo approach. There’s 3 diets, but, again, they can compliment each other well. I have to lay out the 10000 mile view at first: I wanna keep carbs low, I wanna eat animal based, I don’t want processed foods. Carnivore can absolutely meet all those requirements, so I can make that the baseline. If I’m only eating animal products, unless I go REALLY wild with dairy, carbs are going to be naturally low, and that’s super paleo. But if I “slip up” and eat an avocado or some nuts or seeds, that’s carnivore sin, but still keto and paleo.

This is all cognitive reframing. I have multiple avenues for SUCCESS this way. It’s too easy to beat myself up for “failing” to meet a diet, and I know that can cause spiraling with some folks as well (“well, I already screwed up the diet for today: may as well break out the donuts!”). Instead of that happening, there are multiple “saves” in place. “Well, work ran late and I couldn’t eat my chicken drumsticks for lunch like I planned, but thankfully I had that jar of sunflower seed butter to snack on and get in my keto meal”.

I’ve talked about this with my “Deep Mountain” approach to eating back during the last transformation challenge as well. A combination of Deep Water and Mountain Dog. Both were great nutritional protocols on their own, and if I missed on one but kept it in the lanes of the other, it was a win as far as I was concerned.

Maybe I’m just crazy (I am), but I’m hoping this rings in with some folks.


I read your blog post and, honestly, I love it because it’s the total opposite of the way I think. My personal best route to failure is having a Plan B - it more or less guarantees I’ll talk myself out of Plan A when the going gets tough.

Yours is framed differently (because your two plans run in parallel/ are complementary), but I truly love that it’s a totally different way to think.


I appreciate that man! Your feedback is valuable. And I get where you’re coming from for sure: it helps to have plans that are similar enough that a pivot/deviation from one leads INTO the other. Although I suppose the duality of a carnivore/vegetarian could also work, haha.

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I take the coward’s way out. “I can’t run another mile… which means I didn’t want to run anyway and really I want to build my bench press.”


I finally overcame this by running my motivated mile as far away from my starting point (my house) as possible. It started in the winter, while raining. I ran a straight line away from my house. When I hit a mile, I was cold and wet and had to backtrack a mile home. I could walk it and prolong being cold and wet or, run it.

Similarly to buying healthy groceries at store, then coming home and craving crappy food. Although, apps made it easier to indulge in moments of weakness. I haven’t been so weak that I Uber a mine home yet. lol!


I’d argue you also took away plan B.

I truly enjoy seeing different viewpoints leading down the same roads

Check in because…check-in.

Start of challenge at a crisp 200lbs

This morning at 188lbs


Great job!

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I’m (rather stupidly maybe) doing a 4 week mini bulk and then a 2 week cut to end this challenge! If only cutting weight was as easy as adding weight!


So for those following my log, you know I tried PSMF and flubbed it about as hard as the Patriots when they went 18-1 to some scrubs.

Which brought me back to the best and most effective plan I could (and should) have been following from the get-go:

If you’re struggling with your cut, read this thread entry. It’s pure gold and should be stickied (mods, ahem).

As of this week, I am weight training 4x a week (PPLA), aiming for 1700cals/day and 3hrs cumulative weekly cardio. If the scale doesn’t drop at least 1lb by next week, +1hour weekly cardio (~10mins daily).

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The Giants were the better team on that day!

This is more accurate lol.

I don’t really care about grown men playing with balls, so my emotional investment ends with them being ‘my team’ by default of geographical location I was born in.

The US needs professional rugby. A phenomenally more exciting game to watch then football.


I can’t get onboard, gents; I love football.
Why the Panthers chose this year to give up the farm for the #1 pick, when they likely would have got the quarterback they wanted at #9 anyway, I don’t understand. But I love football.

Been with ya’ll in spirit here. Super Squats had me here

Velocity Diet has me here

So for you lucky individual that is going to get your own copy of Super Squats: you know the plan!


…but also, Super Squats followed by the Velocity Diet. Ya’ll got this!


So I haven’t been losing much weight, but then again I am sure this is the most jacked my back has ever been (even with my crap posing and bad lighting):

Fairly happy with this. KBs and pull-ups have made a big difference.


I think an important takeaway for everyone is that there is no perfect diet. All diets will work - but only if YOU do. It’s about consistency. Not perfection. Not a certain macro breakdown. Not a meal plan consisting of only certain foods. If you choose the stuff you KNOW is good (lean proteins, veggies, healthy fats) most of the time, and you don’t eat like an @sshole, you’re going to be successful. Figure out what works for you and fits your life, and run with it until it runs out.


I love this! It’s true of nutrition AND training. “Perfect is the enemy of good”, and good is often FAR superior to what anyone is currently doing. We’re so binary that we believe there is ONLY “perfect” or “garbage”, but the VAST majority of us exist in those shades of grey between.

And in the pursuit of perfect, we can get SERIOUSLY side-tracked and end up sacrificing a lot of good.