Before I even ask the question, I know natural supplements are inferior to juice. Also, I hate “naturals” who are on their high horse about drug use. This is coming from somebody who would be juicing (and heavily) if it wasn’t for the fact that I"m in law school, and the legal risks just aren’t right for me.
Health is of no concern. And lets just pretend money isn't either.
So what supplements and what dosages?
I figured if I had the $$$, I would use :
androsol: 70 x 2 for 4-8 weeks at a time,
nandrosol: however much I could find room for on my body
tribex: 12 caps a day
methoxy: 4 tablespoons a day
glutamine: 30 grams a day
ALA: 2-3 grams a day
Preworkout: ECA + Powerdrive +phosphatidylserine
For cutting I would use
MD6 + triac for 4 or so weeks, than switch to lipok for a week or two.
Btw, I love, but I totally disagree with their opinions about triac - I love the stuff. It plus guggulsterones and I lost 5 pounds of fat in two weeks, little or no thyroid shutdown, that I could perceive.