Let’s say you get a hold of 4 weeks of the best test supp. ever. Maybe that was MAG-10 for some…whatever. If your only concern was sheer size, what would be the best workout for ultimate hypertrophy to “make hay while the sun was shinin’”?
Whatever you’re doing now, double it.
The best workout would be the one where you lift progressively heavier and heavier weights and then eat enough food.
[quote]AngryVader wrote:
The best workout would be the one where you lift progressively heavier and heavier weights and then eat enough food.[/quote]
NOOO! There’s got to be a secret routine !
[quote]pikehunter wrote:
Let’s say you get a hold of 4 weeks of the best test supp. ever. Maybe that was MAG-10 for some…whatever. If your only concern was sheer size, what would be the best workout for ultimate hypertrophy to “make hay while the sun was shinin’”?[/quote]
Did you ever think of reading some good articles and books on bodybuilding program design and talking to successful bodybuilder’s on the topic of program design and then coming up with your OWN program?!
Anyone with half a bodybuilding brain can throw shit up on a screen here. I can. So, you mean to tell me that if one were to write a program here (something that some people in this world charge a fee for (>100 bucks)), you would blindly follow it since you got a hold of an awesome supplement?
If you must, why not hire a good personal trainer for a few sessions and also pick his brain as much as he allows you to? Then be on your way with this information and use it!
You know … I used to be much more friendly on this board but my real life and internet experiences are starting to leave me pretty jaded with such matters.
People, there is going to have to come a time in your training career where you can design and adjust your training and nutriton programs AT WILL without anyone else’s influence or interference! Got that?!
I have a friend who thinks he knows EVERYTHING on bodybuilding while at the same time remains undisciplined and inconsistent! He tries to tell me how to work out when we share a workout, what exercises to do and what not to do! My reply is a resounding and loud “FUCK OFF! I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM DOING! SHUT YOUR HOLE!” I do this since at this point I truly do know what I am doing for MOI!
I pick up tips here and there and incorporate them into my bodybuilding lifestyle.
I am not against books and the RIGHT information. The reason I have had some of the success I have had (maybe not advanced as some others on here; PX, Scott, Stu) is because I did read and go through some education (seminars). I applied what I was educated on, tried it. If it did not work, I switched things around. And so on and so on.
I know this sounds like it took a lot more thought and time than would be necessary to type on T-mag “guys, write me a program since I am taking a good supplement”. That’s right - its going to be a bit more complicated and drudgerous than that!
PS: There is NO PERFECT ROUTINE! EVERY routine has drawbacks! Its up to you to adjust as you go!
You’re not going to see much size gains in 4 weeks. No matter what. Maybe if you take 1000mg of test a week, eat 10 meals a day, and let your genetics do the rest you can make Kevin Levrone like gains of 3 or 4 pounds a week.
But the only reason he could do that is that he was just regaining muscle mass he had lost in the off season. Muscle gains come very quickly if their gains that your body has already made in the past.
Off hand, I would say that if you want to try an impressive program that will give you quick results you should look into DoggCrapp Training by reading up at IntenseMuscle.com and look into Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program at Elitefts.com by buying his eBook. Both programs will give you chances to shoot for PRs nearly every time you train.
If you’re not eating at least 6 eggs during the day and you’re not taking in a lot of animal flesh, don’t worry about supplementation.
Any rational program can allow for PRs for some time.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
AngryVader wrote:
The best workout would be the one where you lift progressively heavier and heavier weights and then eat enough food.
NOOO! There’s got to be a secret routine !
Oh there definitely is a secret routine, and I will sell it to you, for a totally reasonable price.
Wow. I have to think that life’s frustrations are getting to some people. Maybe that’s why some feel the need to release some of the anger via sarcastic posts. Did it ever occur to you that like The Growth Surge Project that was linked to the MAG-10 page as a suggested workout when that supp. was around, that I was just interested in some opinions on a workout that would provide appropriate volume etc. during a short burst using prohormones hypothetically. It amazes me that these boards often only provide useless sarcasm in response to a simple inquiry. If it bothers you so much, just bypass the thread (and maybe get outside a bit more).
[quote]That One Guy wrote:
Whatever you’re doing now, double it.[/quote]
I say my routine is the best one posted so far!! you have to go beyond the fine print and really RELISH in the intricacies and subtleness of my program design >={
Thanks Fighting Scott for the suggestions. I appreciate it.
[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
Any rational program can allow for PRs for some time. [/quote]
But not PRs for every training session that isn’t part of a “cruise” or “deload” phase.
[quote]pikehunter wrote:
Wow. I have to think that life’s frustrations are getting to some people. Maybe that’s why some feel the need to release some of the anger via sarcastic posts. Did it ever occur to you that like The Growth Surge Project that was linked to the MAG-10 page as a suggested workout when that supp. was around, that I was just interested in some opinions on a workout that would provide appropriate volume etc. during a short burst using prohormones hypothetically. It amazes me that these boards often only provide useless sarcasm in response to a simple inquiry. If it bothers you so much, just bypass the thread (and maybe get outside a bit more). [/quote]
The amount of sarcastic responses may just have a very good reason.
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Off hand, I would say that if you want to try an impressive program that will give you quick results you should look into DoggCrapp Training [/quote]
A guy that is asking about what program to use for 4 weeks of his “best test supplement” experiment is not who DC was made for. These are the type of guys that give Dante a headache when they end up over at IM asking questions.
How old are you?
What sort of gains do you expect over this 4 week span?
What are you doing now training and diet wise and has it been working?
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
You’re not going to see much size gains in 4 weeks. No matter what. Maybe if you take 1000mg of test a week, eat 10 meals a day, and let your genetics do the rest you can make Kevin Levrone like gains of 3 or 4 pounds a week.
But the only reason he could do that is that he was just regaining muscle mass he had lost in the off season. Muscle gains come very quickly if their gains that your body has already made in the past.
Off hand, I would say that if you want to try an impressive program that will give you quick results you should look into DoggCrapp Training by reading up at IntenseMuscle.com and look into Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program at Elitefts.com by buying his eBook. Both programs will give you chances to shoot for PRs nearly every time you train.
If you’re not eating at least 6 eggs during the day and you’re not taking in a lot of animal flesh, don’t worry about supplementation. [/quote]
don’t recommend DC to everyone you see