UFC 144 Edgar v Henderson

This card looks quite interesting.

Looking forward to Rampage v Badder, Shields v Akiyama and of course, I’d like to see how Kongo would fare against Hunt.

What are your picks ladies and gents?

Edgar, Rampage, Shields to win.

Kongo v Hunt, I’m still undecided. I like both guys. I expect a slugfest though, with Kongo taking this to the mat.


Those are the only ones that I’m interested in. Oh yeah, and Okami.

Edgar vs Henderson is just too close to call. I like both guys and both are on a roll lately. I just hope it’s a good fight (which I’m pretty sure it will be).

Besides that I’m going with:

Rampage (just don’t see how Bader wins this one)
Shields (see him doing the same thing he does to just about everyone)
Kongo (think his reach will be too much for Hunt, and he’s got better wrestling)
Lauzon (think his wrestling, toughness and pace will be too much for Pettis)
Okami (think his reach will give him the advantage on the feet, and his wrestling is good enough to keep it there)

Honestly haven’t seen enough of many of the other fighters on the card to make an informed prediction.


Edgar = always the underdog I guess.

I’d probably bet on Henderson too… but…

My money is on Frankie. I had him underdog against BJ both times and after that he won be over so hard that I don’t think I’ve hardly ever been screaming as bad as both times Maynard bullied Edgar around for the 1st round. Never seen a comeback like their 2nd fight either, I could’ve cried I was so happy when Maynards ass hit the floor. As such a big fan there is no way I can say my opinion is nearly objective, but I just don’t see Bendo putting on a beating against Frankie. I think standing Frankie should be able to use his speed and footwork to win the fight and he is scrappy enough to get back to his feet if Bendo ever manages to take him down. Should it happen that Frankie gets tagged hard again I don’t see it as a end of anything, man is so determined and such a warrior that at times it seems like they could probably throw him in there with AS and he would walk out on his own feet after 5 rounds. One of the most anticipated fights for me early this year, I think its going to be very action packed but still technical fight and not just a slugfest, both man will fight smart and keep up incredible pace and I see this going 25 minutes with Frankie taking the decision, maybe losing one or two rounds.

I feel like I have to root for Rampage here, nevermind his person but it would be kinda like seeing Big Nog knock out Schaub in front of Brazilian crowd. Besides, I think that this time Quinton might’ve actually pushed himself real hard because there is no way he is going to let the Japanese crowd he loves ever so much down by gassing out after 2 rounds. He will slug it out or try to slam Bader while Bader will be looking for the takedown all night long, too bad that Rampage is hard to take down. Its going to be a long night in Japan for Bader, hard to wish anything bad for him either but I would just love to see how the audience would react if Rampage picked up a flush KO here…

Shields will probably smother Mr. Sexy with an ease, Sexiyama has never really showed much of anything in the UFC and Shields is a grinder so I don’t expect it to be wildly entertaining or very actionpacked. Doesn’t really matter though with Frankie on the card tbh.

Kongo will probably beat fat old Hunt but I’m definitely rooting for Hunt here, much for the same reasons as why I’m rooting for Rampage.

Okami is going to win, and I’m really looking forward to J-Lau - Pettis, no idea which fighter will take that one but with the LW division being one of the most exciting divisions at the moment this fight could be a title eliminator, who knows.

I am a bit like Sento here

cant really call Hendo x Edgar
I like Rampage over Bader
Okami and shields are kind of a lock barring any freak knock outs
and I actually think Lauzan can drag pettis to a BJJ scramble fest

I’m calling:

I’m rooting for Henderson, principally because this reminded me what a beast he can be.

But I don’t think he can handle a guy with Frankie’s movement and skillset. On the flipside, going by his interviews, he seems to have picked up on the reason Frankie got tagged in his two fights with Gray.

Good article here:

I am with Sento and kmcnyc on the main event (pick 'em) and co-main event (Jackson’s to lose).

As for Hunt vs Kongo:

I agree that Kongo has a reach advantage and looks to have better grappling/wrestling credentials. The issue is that I have seen Kongo fight before.

He has consistently horrible grappling. He is strong and in shape, but basically muscles and hugs just like every strong but untrained person I have ever seen in a clinch/on the ground. I know Sento teaches BJJ and I submit he could make his next class just showing all the wrong things Kongo will do if this fight goes to the ground. Even against Hunt, who I think has little to no ground game, I am far from confident Kongo will use grappling to his advantage.

He is taller and rangier, but he does not use it all that much in his fights. He seems to be most effective throwing knees when his opponent is hugged against the cage. Hunt on the other hand has knockout power and has been in the ring, if not cage, with far better kickboxers.

I pick Hunt based on my faith in Kongo finding a way to fuck this up. If he fights tactically for the first time he should win.

Shields should beat Akiyama:

About SexyYama; he should write a book called “How to Make the Least of Your Skill Set”. He has fantastic judo, a very hard right hand, and a good chin. Unfortunately, he ops not to set up his right hand or Judo throws. Throw a jab! Hell throw two! I see him stalking around the ring and getting handled and decisioned like Henderson did when he fought Shields. Because that is how I see him at this point, a poor imitation of Hendo.

I would love to be wrong, but every time he fights I wonder why I thought he was good.

Okami wins


Robert A

[quote]Robert A wrote:
I am with Sento and kmcnyc on the main event (pick 'em) and co-main event (Jackson’s to lose).

As for Hunt vs Kongo:

I agree that Kongo has a reach advantage and looks to have better grappling/wrestling credentials. The issue is that I have seen Kongo fight before.

He has consistently horrible grappling. He is strong and in shape, but basically muscles and hugs just like every strong but untrained person I have ever seen in a clinch/on the ground. I know Sento teaches BJJ and I submit he could make his next class just showing all the wrong things Kongo will do if this fight goes to the ground. Even against Hunt, who I think has little to no ground game, I am far from confident Kongo will use grappling to his advantage.

He is taller and rangier, but he does not use it all that much in his fights. He seems to be most effective throwing knees when his opponent is hugged against the cage. Hunt on the other hand has knockout power and has been in the ring, if not cage, with far better kickboxers.

I pick Hunt based on my faith in Kongo finding a way to fuck this up. If he fights tactically for the first time he should win.

Fair enough, Hunt’s grappling did look a lot better in his last fight (training with Ricardo Liborio will do that for you), so by no means do I think it’s a lock for Kongo if it goes to the ground.

I also agree that Hunt has more power and definitely isn’t going to get KO’d by Cheick. Like you said though, Kongo is fit and strong and loves to bully his opponents against the cage with knees. Hunt has lost some weight since his Pride and K-1 days, and that most likely means that he won’t be able to take the same type of punishment to the body that he used to be able to. If Kongo can keep him up against the cage he might be able to wear Mark down with knees to the body and legs, then take him down and just smother him there.

Yeah, I’m usually pretty disappointed when I watch him fight as well. I know he makes things exciting and isn’t afraid to stand and bang (which a lot of fans seem to appreciate) and he has the chin to do it. But like you said, he doesn’t seem to know how to really make the best use of the tools he has. Short of catching Shields right on the button and KO’ing him, I just don’t think he’ll be able to keep it on the feet for the full 3 rounds, and even though his Judo is very good, I don’t know that he’ll be able to avoid getting subbed should he wind up in bad situations (especially later in the fight when fatigue has set in).

Rampage missed weight by 6 pounds. Perhaps too much partying? Should be interesting. Wish I could see this card.

[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:
Rampage missed weight by 6 pounds. Perhaps too much partying? Should be interesting. Wish I could see this card. [/quote]

Hmmm, not a good sign for Quintin. Like Robert said, this is his fight to lose, and not taking it seriously could just do that for him.

i read that rampage was/is battling some injury during his camp and he couldnt do alot of running to make weight … i bet its his knee agian…

i read that rampage was/is battling some injury during his camp and he couldnt do alot of running to make weight … i bet its his knee agian…

[quote]yoitspmart wrote:
i read that rampage was/is battling some injury during his camp and he couldnt do alot of running to make weight … i bet its his knee agian…[/quote]

there are other ways. he could have gotten on a bike, or you know, eat less. it is sloppy and disrespectful at his level. no doubt he knew Bader would take the fight anyway and he now will have quite the size advantage. losing a bit of his purse is not going to hurt him.

im not on rampages side at all i just think it could be a boring fight now because Bader will just target the knee and go for takedowns if rampage really has a “serious” injury

[quote]yoitspmart wrote:
im not on rampages side at all i just think it could be a boring fight now because Bader will just target the knee and go for takedowns if rampage really has a “serious” injury[/quote]

Honest question; does Bader have any low kicking ability?

We have seen Jackson try to ignore/gut out kicks to his lead leg in the past, but I don’t think I have seen Bader do much but throw right hands and shoot. I don’t think overhand leads are going to get it done tonight.

Jackson’s sprawl and box style may not suffer as much from a “questionable” knee as Shogun’s kick intensive style, or Tito’s shoot heavy style.


Robert A

[quote]Robert A wrote:

[quote]yoitspmart wrote:
im not on rampages side at all i just think it could be a boring fight now because Bader will just target the knee and go for takedowns if rampage really has a “serious” injury[/quote]

Honest question; does Bader have any low kicking ability?

We have seen Jackson try to ignore/gut out kicks to his lead leg in the past, but I don’t think I have seen Bader do much but throw right hands and shoot. I don’t think overhand leads are going to get it done tonight.

Jackson’s sprawl and box style may not suffer as much from a “questionable” knee as Shogun’s kick intensive style, or Tito’s shoot heavy style.


Robert A[/quote]

This right here. I foresee Rampage outboxing him and possibly KO’ing Bader. Do agree that that coming in with the injury excuse is bullshit. For shame!!!


I don’t care that I was wrong on nearly all of those, holy shit were there some good fights in there.

Bader and Bendo were in fucking beast mode! Both were focused as hell.

Hunt looked sharp. Cheik wasn’t in his league. Bad day for Wolfslair.

Don’t agree with the Shields decision. Neither guy did a whole lot, but Sexy landed some good stuff, and actually hit a takedown or two. Can only remember Jake landing jabs that Akiyama walked through.

How about Boetsch? I remember thinking, “damn, he’s settling down with this fighting-a-southpaw thing,” and BAM ducks under a jab with an overhand right. Still the guy was getting outclassed to that point, sucks for Yushin.