Okay I don’t know why but this show pisses me off for some reason.
The one thing that got me the most was a African American personal trainer went on complaining about how his calves do not match the rest of his body. He was like “I work out hard everyday and am a persoanl trainer but my calves suck. Is there anything you can recommend to get them to match the rest of my body?”
I was telling my gf “Well most black people have high insertion points and muscle bellies on their calves and is something they have to live with. They have to really pack on muscle mass and or concentrate on calf work.” I remember Professor X always saying that his calves have high muscle bellies and are hard to really make bigger/stand out. This PT wasn’t very big maybe 180lbs by judging on t.v.
So what the doctors recommended was calf implants. Yes, calf implants. When does it get to a point were calf implants are needed to really match it to the rest of your body? That’s all they recommend is some type of surgical procedure. WHAT happened to “love your body the way it is”? Or “Keep working at it, you’ll get there”? Actually tho it’s all about surgeries that fixes “everything”.
What does everyone else think about this? Don’t get me wrong tho, there are things that cannot be fixed without surgeries but really to the extent to make calves bigger with implants, common.