Trying the 915 Program

Week 4 Day 2

Had to work late, and then helped someone move for an hour so was pretty warm and didn’t warm up.

2 x 225, 315
1 x 405
3 x 2 @ 495
Sumo Deadlift
5 x 3 @ 405#
Block Pulls
3 x 3 @ 405#

Did the airdyne for a few minutes, but was out of breath

Week 4 Day 3

4 min Airdyne

Box Jump
5 x 2 @ 38"
Chest Pass
10 x 14#

2 x 225
Loose Belt
2 x 315
Belt, loose wraps
1 x 405

Week 4 Day 4

Warm Up
Airdyne for 4 min
Shoulder stretches

Power Clean
5 x 5 @ 225
I usually don’t do a full catch on the power cleans, I try to clean each rep as fast as possible
Power Shrug
5 x 3 @ 275
Belly Button Clean Pulls
3 x 3 @ 275
Ring Rows Feet Up
4 x 5 @ BW

Easy speed, 15min
I like to do some conditioning after I do lifting as I feel it helps with recovery

Week 5 Day 1

4 min on Airdyne

10 x L/R Single Arm Throws 6#
Box Jump 5 x 3 @ 36"

3 x bar, 135, 225, 295
wrist wraps
3 x 3 @ 335#
1 x 365#
Push Press
5 x 3 @ 225#
Chain Bench
3 x 135 ( chain), 225, 275, 295, 305
2 x 225, 315, 385
5 x 2 @ 420

Airdyne for 14 minutes

Week 5 Day 2

Warm Up
3 min on Airdyne

14# Backwards Med Ball Throw x 10

3 x 225, 315
2 x 405
1 x 455
3 x 3 @ 505
Sumo Deadlift
4 x 3 @ 405
3 x 425
Tried rack pulls but my back spasmed way too much so didn’t try
Did some pullups why putting the weights away, worked up to 3 reps

Airdyne for 15 min

Week 5 Day 3

Warm up
4 min on Airdyne

5 x 3 Long Jump
10 x 15# Chest Pass

3 x 225, 315
2 x 405
3 x 3 @ 465
1 x 505
Front Squat
3 x 135, 185, 205, 225 x 3
High Box Squat
Allowed to squat about halfway down
Worked up to 455 x 3
2 x 135, 225, 275
5 x 2 @ 305

Did leg Raises while cleaning up,
BW x 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

14 min

Week 5 Day 4

Didn’t have much time, so this was all done in 30min

Power Clean
2 x 135, 225
5 x 2 @ 250
Power Shrug
5 x 3 @ 275
Clean Pull
3 x 275
3 x 295
3 x 310
Did some pullups while cleaning up, 10 or 15

Week 6 Day 1

Warm Up
Pushed Prowler 120 yards total
Various Stretches

Chest Pass 12 x 20#
Box Jump 3 x 36", 40", 42"

3 x bar, bar, 135, 225
loose wrist wraps
2 x 295
1 x 335
tight wrist wraps
3 x 3 @ 350
1 x 385
I need to stay much tighter, the bar sank into my chest before I pressed it up

KB Push Press
3 x 53, 4 x 3 @ 70
Chain Bench
3 x 135 1 chain
3 x 225 1 chain
3 x 260 1 chain
3 x 295 1 chain
3 x 315 1 chain

2 x 225, 315, 385
5 x 2 @ 420

Airdyne for 11 min

Week 6 Day 2

Warm Up
Airdyne for 3 min
Various Posterior Chain/Hip Stretches

3 x 3 14# Backwards Med Ball Throw

3 x 225, 315
2 x 405
1 x 485
These weights felt an extra 100# heavier then normal
1 x 530
2 x 530, back spasmed on the 3rd rep so did not complete
0 x 530 I was pulling too much through my back so I wussed out
I had some issues pulling today, so I’m going to up the amount of stretching/recovery, start trying to get over 8 hours of sleep, and I will be cutting out some of the lifts so I won’t do more than 3 or 4 lifts a day
Leg Raise
5 x 5 @ BW

11 min on Airdyne
seem to help loosen up the back

So, got really sick yesterday so that seemed to explain part of why I had a bad deadlift day.

I am now having to work a lot of overtime, so I’m cutting out some auxiliary movements, to keep my big lifts stronger.

Week 6 Day 3

Warm ups
3 min walk
Foam Rolling / Stretching

Box Jump
3 x 30", 34", 38", 41"

3 x bar, 135, 225, 315
2 x 405
1 x 455
2 x 3 @ 505
Walked out 3rd set, but didn’t feel right so stopped

2 x bar, 135, 225, 275
5 x 2 @ 305

Airdyne for 11 minutes

Week 6 Day 4

Walked about 5 min
Hamstring/Shoulder Stretches

Power Cleans
3 x 135
2 x 225
4 x 3 @ 245
Something happened to my arm, couldn’t get the full pull on the 5th set so I stopped before I hurt myself
Clean Pulls
3 x 245, 275, 295, 315
Band Pullaparts
3 x a lot

Went for about an hour walk with the wife

Week 7 Day 1

Airdyne 3 min
Foam Roll/Stretches

3 x 3 Chest Throw, 20#
3 x 2 Box Jump, 30", 36", 39"

3 x 5 with the bar
3 x 135, 225
2 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 345
3 x 2 @ 370
1 x 400
bicep gets stressed,

Chain bench with fat grip on bar
3 x 225
3 x 2 @ 315
was letting the bar sink into the chest, my arm was failing but I could bench it back up

2 x 135, 225, 315
1 x 375
3 x 2 @ 425
on the 4th set my back started to hurt so I stopped

Airdyne for 8 minutes
Held the bottom of the squat for 2 min
Stretched each hamstring for 2 min

Week 7 Day 2

Airdyne for 3 min
Foam Roll

3 x 3 Backward Ball Throw, 14#

Double Overhand
3 x 225
2 x 315
1 x 405, usually good indicator of good deadlift day
1 x 495
1 x 545
3 x 0 @ 565
back just was failing, couldn’t get it off the floor, but body felt really good
stopped pulling, need to give the back a break
next week won’t go over 365# for the Day 1 squats

Did multiple sets of pullups/chins while cleaning up, did sets of 2 - 4 reps

Airdyne for 8 min
2 min hamstring stretch/side
1 min hip stretch/side
Ball Roll on the lower back

Week 7 Day 3

Airdyne for 3 min
Foam Roll

3 x 3 Chest Pass 10#
2 x 36", 40", 42" Box Jump

3 x 135, 225
Loose Belt
3 x 315
Tight Belt
2 x 405
Knee Wraps
2 x 475
1 x 520
2 x 550 (pr)
Did my meet pr for 2, felt like I may have squatted it kinda high
0 x 570
Lifted the bar off the rack, but felt too unsteady to squat

2 x 135, 225, 275
5 x 2 @ 305
Did 5 shoulder dislocates in between bench sets

While cleaning up, did 6 x 8 leg raises

Had to leave early to run some errands

Week 7 Day 4

3 min Airdyne
Foam Roll

Power Clean
2 x 135, 185
1 x 225
Failed 2 Power Cleans at 255, got the bar above nipple line but missed the catch
The cleans were hurting my bicep, won’t do them next week
Clean Pulls 3 x 3 @ 255
Ring Pullups 4 x 3

Airdyne for 5 min

Week 8 Day 1

Warm up
Airdyne for 5 min
Foam Roll

3 x 5 @ bar
3 x 135
3 x 225
wrist wraps
2 x 275
2 x 325
1 x 365
1 x 390
1 x 410
0 x 420, had it but spotter took it since it was taking a long time to come up

2 x 135, 225, 315
5 x 2 @ 365
felt fast and easy today

Cool down
Airdyne for 5 min
Foam rolling and stretching

Week 8 Day 2

Warm up
Airdyne for 5 min
Foam Roll

3 x 225, 315
2 x 405
1 x 475, 525, 560, 585 (tie for training pr)
hitched a little on the 585, about half an inch from the top
0 x 615
pulled the 615 off the floor, but didn’t lock it out

5 x 3

Cool down
Airdyne for 5 min
Foam Roll and Stretching

Week 8 Day 3

Warm up
Airdyne for 5 min
Foam Roll

3 x 145, 235, 325
2 x 415
knee wraps
1 x 485, 535, 565, 585
got video of the 585, probably is parallel, just need to remember to hit the hole hard and use the recoil
might try to post the video this weekend

2 x 135, 225
5 x 2 @ 275

Leg Raise
5 x 8 @ BW


Week 8 Day 4

Warm Up
Airdyne 5 min
Foam Roll

Clean Pulls
3 x 3 @ 275

Pull ups
5 x 1

Airdyne 5 min

Week 9 Day 1

Warm up
Airdyne 5 min
Foam Rolling

3 x 135, 225, 315
2 x 405
knee wraps
1 x 455
1 x 495

3 x 135, 225
wrist wraps
2 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 365


Did this day just to loosen up and see how I feel for the meet this weekend