I have a powerlifting meet in 9 weeks, so I will try the 915 workout by Christian Thibaudeau. I did a routine similar to this before I had my biggest total, so I think this will work pretty well for me.
However, I will be doing a few things differently (not the main lifts, sticking with that). I'm going to be including plyometric training before lifting, and I will be doing conditioning afterwards. If this routine works, give credit to Christian, but if it doesn't works its my own damn fault.
My starting maxes will be something that I can usually do most days of the week, and with the percentages given it will be easy to load too.
Squat - 500 (will be using knee wraps once over 90%)
Bench - 370
Deadlift - 565
Power Clean - 270
Week One Day One
Warmed up with KB Farmer Walks, KB Squats, and push ups. Just did it for about 3 minutes.
5 rounds: 3 ball throws against wall, 1 broad jump, walk back and repeat
5 x 4 @ 295
Pause Bench
5 x 5 @ 135
Squat 5 x 1 @ 405
supposed to be 5 x 2 but I was crushed from the weekend and would rather do one good reps then two shitty ones.
Empty prowler push
8 KB presses L/R 30#
Empty prowler push
7 Eagle Situps
repeated for a total of 4 rounds
Afterwards, did some band pressdowns for about a hundred reps and then some stretches.
Why the pause bench at 135? That’s barely a third of your max.
When I did the paused bench, I hold the bar in the down position for 3-4 deep breaths. I tried 185, but I couldn’t get 5 reps.
I also have a hard time with doing rep work for multiple sets, while its not much, doing a 5x5 for pause benches after doing a 5x4 in the bench takes more out of me then most people.
Week 1, Day 2
400m Row
2 x 10 ring rows
3 x 225, 315
1 x 405
4,2 x 455
3 x 4 @ 405
Started out the deadlifts with 455, but couldn’t get 4 reps with 455, so lowered the weight to 405.
Floating Deadlifts 5 x 5 @ 225
Will up the weight next week, but 225 was a decent starting point
Back Extension 4 x 10
Conditioning Circuit
10, 9, 8, 7…1
KB Swings 35#
Ring Rows
[quote]jasperson wrote:
When I did the paused bench, I hold the bar in the down position for 3-4 deep breaths. I tried 185, but I couldn’t get 5 reps.
I also have a hard time with doing rep work for multiple sets, while its not much, doing a 5x5 for pause benches after doing a 5x4 in the bench takes more out of me then most people. [/quote]
I got ya. Basically a five second pause, then. Makes more sense now.
Week 1 Day 3
Empty Prowler Pushes 20 yards
10 Pushups
Repeat twice
10 x vertical jumps
10 x 20# chest pass
2 x 135, 225, 315
405# 2 x 4, 3 x 3
almost had all the squats, my positioning was much better and the pick felt great on all of them. Next week I’ll be able to get the 5 x 5
Pause Squats 5 x 5 @ 225
Slow descent with a 3 sec hold at parallel.
5 x 2 @ 295
4 Rounds
10 ab roll outs
10 yards/back prowler sprint
rest 30 breaths
Week 1 Day 4
Warm up
Row 400m
Shoulder Dislocates 2 x 10
Good Morning 2 x 10
5 x 3 Box Jump
5 Underhand Ball Throws
Power Cleans
5 x 2 @ 225
Hi-Hang High Pull
5 x 5 @ 135
5 x 3
4 x
Assisted Glute Ham x 5
Keg Clean
Week 2 Day 1
Warm up
400m Row
Push up 2 x 12
Goblet Squat 2 x 12
Shoulder Dislocates x 12
Med Ball Shot Put x 10 per arm
Box Bound x 8
5 x 5 @ 295lb
Pause Bench (5 sec)
5 x 5 @ 155lb
5 x 2 @ 405lb
4 Rounds
45# Overhead Plate Lunges 8L/R
5 40# Ball Slams
~ 10 min
3 x 20
Black Band Pressdown
Week 2 Day 2
Warm up
300m Row
Good Morning with 45# bar 2 x 12
PVC Dislocates 2 x 12
Triple Bounds x 5
15 total reps at 455# (no belt)
Floating Deadlifts
4 x 5 @ 275# (Failed on the 5th set)
3 Rounds
1 185# Ground to Overhead
1 Chin
1 185# Ground to Overhead
2 Chins
1 185 # Ground to Overhead
3 Chins
4 x 5 Assisted Glute Ham
4 x 15 Face Rows
Week 2 Day 3
Training was kinda bad today; had to work a few hours later than normal
Warm up
Airdyne for 3 min
KB Squat 2 x 12 53#
Shoulder Dislocate 2 x 12
Worked up to max box jump of about 46"
5 x 2 box jumps at 40"
5 x 3 Overhead med ball throws
5 sets with 405#
couldn’t get all 5 x 5 this week, will try again next week
Pause Squats 5 x 5 @ 225#
Bench 5 x 2 @ 295#
Leg Raise 5 x 10 @ BW
Been having issues with leg strength this week; idk if its been from working more than normal, the new volume of training, or I’m pushing too hard. Will be attempting the 5 x 5’s next week and see how I do, may need to make adjustments
3 Sprints @ 50 yards with long rests; stopped when speed slowed
Week 2 Day 4
Row for a few minutes
Shoulder stretches
Good Morning 2 x 10
10 Vertical Jumps
8 Overhead Ball Throws
Power Cleans
5 x 3 @ 225#
Hi Hang Cleans
5 x 5 @ 135#
Glute-Ham Raise 5 x 5-8
Chin Ups 3 x 5
Band Pullaparts 2 x 20
Airdyne for 12 minutes
Will be changing conditioning to sprinting on Days 1 or 3
Week 3 Day 1
Airdyne 3 min
Single Arm Med Ball Throws 10 each L/R
Box Jump 5 x 2 @ 40"
3 x 6, 2 x 4 @ 295
3 count pause bench
5 x 5 @ 165#
5 x 2 @ 405
Band Pressdown
4 x 20
Leg Raise
4 x 8-12
Prowler Sprints
10 x 20 yards +90lb
Sometimes on 5x5 sets- take longer rests. May help you finish that last set…
I’ve been taking 5 min breaks, I’m trying to up my food intake to keep up my energy during these workouts.
Week 3 Day 2
Warm up
Rowed for 400m
Hamstring stretches
20 x kettlebell swings, about 30#
10x Broad Jumps
5x Speed Pullups
3 x 225
2 x 315
1 x 405
5 x 5 @ 455
Used a belt today, seemed to help. Will progress onto the 90% 2 x 3 sets next week.
Floating Deadlift
5 x 5 @ 225
Assisted Glute Ham
4 x 6
DB Row
4 x 5 @ 70#
Band Curls
2 x 20
Band Pullaparts
2 x 20
Airdyne for 13 minutes
Walked for 45 minutes with the wife
Week 3 Day 3
Back was sore from Day 2 still
Airdyne 3 min
Good Morning 2 x 12 with empty bar
Shoulder Dislocates 2 x 12
Box Jumps 36# 5 x 3
Med Ball Chest Pass 20# 5 x 2
3 x 135
2 x 225
2 x 315
3 x 5 @ 405
Started the 4th set, and my back started to spasm when I took the weight off the rack. Didn’t want to get hurt so stopped it there
Pause Squat (3 sec)
5 x 5 @ 135
This was done mostly to try to stretch the lower back, wasn’t really that heavy
5 x 2 @ 295
GHD Sit Ups
4 x 6-8
Wife wanted to go for a walk, so went for a walk with a 25# backpack
Week 3 Day 4
Airdyne for 3 min
Broomstick Drills
Shoulder Stretches
10x Overhead Ball Throws
Not going to do lower body dominant plyometrics on Fridays
Power Cleans
5 x 4 @ 225
Power Shrugs
5 x 5 @ 225
I feel these help more with my pop than hang cleans
Eccentric Glute Ham
4 x 4 @ BW
4 x 4 @ BW
Rear Lateral Raise/Hammer Curls
10# 2 x 30sec each
10 x 15 yard Prowler Sprints
90# added
Rested long enough to feel ready again
Week 3 Day 4
Airdyne for 3 min
Broomstick Clean Drills
Shoulder Stretches
10x Overhead Ball Throws
Will stop doing lower body dominant plyometrics on Fridays
Power Cleans
5 x 4 @ 225
Power Shrugs
5 x 5 @ 225
Eccentric Glute Ham
4 x 4 @ BW
4 x 4 @ BW
Rear Lateral Raise/Hammer Curl
10#, 2 x 30 sec each
Prowler Sprints
10x with 90#
Rested long enough to catch my breath between sprints
Week 4 Day 1
3 min airdyne
4 x 3 Box Jumps - worked up to 42"
10 x Chest Pass 25#
3 x 135, 225
2 x 295, 3 x 2 @ 335
Push Press 5 x 3 @ 225
Chain Bench 3 x 3 @ 275
Squat 5 x 2 @ 415
Everything was a little rushed as I had to leave work a few hours later than normal, but felt ok
Airdyne 8min