Looking for recommendations. I’ve been on TRT for several years now and am on my first cycle (500 mg/wk test c split into two doses of 250 mg e3.5d). I’m planning my future 12 week cutting phase to trim off the fat and get summer ready. I’m very experienced in fat loss phases and nutrition but want to explore pharma options now that I have gone dark side. I am in no rush and not wanting to try anything to extreme or complicated. I know that I want to increase my TRT dose from 100/mg per week to somewhere around 125 to 150. 100 mg/wk puts me between 600-900. I would like to finish the cut with 20-40 mg of anavar daily. I am interested in adding in another compound for the duration of the cut such as primo or mast but worry about making estrogen management over complicated. Curious on the community’s thoughts on this.
Shouldn’t need mast or primo on Test and Var. Honestly you shouldn’t blast test if you consider your self fat or fluffy as it just makes it worse with the same eating habits.
Anabolics build and preserve muscle. GLP-1, thyroid drugs, clens, DNP etc help with fat. I wouldn’t recommend any of those just laying it out.
For your cutting goals enough anabolics is all you need for preservation. Again, Test and Var are enough. I wouldn’t say Var burns fat but many says it’s much easier to reduce fat on it while showing musculature.
going up to 125-150mg/wk is reasonable.
I felt like cutting was easier than it should have been on Var, but I’ve only ran it once.
You can add things like mast or primo with little concern for estrogen sides, except that some people experience AI effects with either or both. I can’t say I’ve experienced the AI effect in Mast so I can add 600/wk with no noticeable difference in estrogen.
*not saying you should do what I did.
The saying “more gear will not help you lose more fat” is pretty much always correct. Focus in on your diet as you have been; gear will just help you preserve tissue and strength.
I appreciate the feedback. I may not have stated the idea behind the cut the best. I’m not fat, I started my bulk lean around 9-10 percent. I intentionally chose to lean out prior to the bulk to minimize aromatization. I’m wanting to cut to clean up the fat that I put on and will put on during the bulk. I decided that as this is my first blast, I would rather put on a little extra fat as to not leave gains on the table (especially after reading so many threads about guys not eating enough). I’ve done many cuts and would consider myself very good at it. I’m wanting to be safe and am trying to figure out what my next move will be. Blood work currently looks great and I will continue to monitor it. I’m really just looking into what my best options would be considering that I want to run something on top of my trt rather than a cycle immediately after my first cycle.
Great feed back. The more I’m thinking about it, I’m excited about the opportunity of not appearing so glycogen depleted while cutting. I think that’s what I’m really desiring is a means to look better while cutting. What I hate most about cutting is the depleted look. I get a lot of compliments but the body dysmorphia is real.
why add another compound? will the other two not get the job done?
Good question! I don’t have a great reason the more I think about it. I think it’s the excitement of trying something new. The downside would be extra injections and over complicating estrogen management. I’m now thinking that the test from the blast taking time to clear should help me look full in the first half of my cut. This alone should be what I want. I’ll follow this up with anavar the second half. This seems like a solid plan and I think I’ll be looking relatively full throughout the duration of the cut.