Trouble With Pullups/Chins Progress

I’ve stalled on my progress for the last couple of years. I usually mix them up from wide grip, meduim grips, reverse, parallel every workkout or or every 2-3 workouts.

I do anyhwere from 4-7 sets , depending on the number of reps I get. reps go anywhere from 8-3.

Idid them twice per week but am going to start doing therm once per week.

Any suggestions would be great

[quote]jimg21 wrote:
I’ve stalled on my progress for the last couple of years. I usually mix them up from wide grip, meduim grips, reverse, parallel every workkout or or every 2-3 workouts.

I do anyhwere from 4-7 sets , depending on the number of reps I get. reps go anywhere from 8-3.

Idid them twice per week but am going to start doing therm once per week.

Any suggestions would be great [/quote]

Just a couple of suggestions:

1). Stop alternating your grip so often. Instead, pick one movement, concentrate on it for 6-12 wks., then change to another movement for 6-12wks., etc.

2). Cut them out altogether for 6-12 weeks, then add one movement back in to your routine.

3). Try accentuating the negative portion of the movement, getting assistance with the positive portion.

4). Rest longer between sets.

5). Use a more explosive/ballistic, but controlled, movement.

6). Do fewer sets, but add a little weight via a belt/chain, etc. For example, add 10lbs., and try to get 3x6 reps.

7). If your grip is giving out, try using wrist straps.


Wide Grip pronated pullups are the most challenging variant. Think to yourself if you can do 5 chins with 15 added pounds you’ll be able to bust through old number platueas when you return to bodyweight only.

You also might want to bring up your lagging arms with reverse curls and grip work if your arms fatigue before you do.

Resist the urge to use the Lat Pulldown Machine to help you get better at pull-ups. Rows, however, will help you. Once you pass rowing your own bodyweight with a barbell or a cable machine your pullups should be easier.

Try getting in more over head pressing work like push press.

Also add weight now and try 10x3 and 7x4 for about 4 weeks. and then take the plates off and check the new rep range you can do.


Do you have access to a pull up bar or something to do pullups on a regular basis?

If so you should do pullups more frequently, but not to failure. Just do them until you feel that you could do maybe 3-4 more and stop. Make it a point to go do the pullups like this all throughout the day. Say once every 90 min to 2 hours.

Pavel writes about this and his advice is good. I’ll see if I can find it and post it here.