I am so glad to be back on this forum. The past 9 months have been a whirlwind of incarcerations followed by a stint in a rehabilitation center for alcohol. (I got a DUI on my birthday- go figure). But I have been back for a month now and have been hitting the gym hard. Now it’s time to tell my genetics to fuck themself and dip back into the game.
Due to some outstanding legal issues I will not be using any illegal gear this time around as I can not risk the potential consequences of another violation of probation. I will be returning to my favorite prohormone- superdrol, except this time around I will be stacking it with epistane.
I have not used epistane before, so I will most likely run it alone for a week to see how i adapt to it. The reason I chose epistane, apart from the consistently good reviews I’ve heard concerning it is that I have a small amount of delayed onset gyno.
So small that no one else notices it… but I certainally do, and my left nipple is constantly sore and has a small pin head size knot behind it. I have read reports of epistane doing a pretty good job of clearing up gyno… plus it seems to be one of the least harsh class 1 methyls… in terms of sides.
The Methyl Factor- I understand the risks involved with methylated compounds, I understand that I am putting myself at twice the risk considering the fact that I will be running two methyls together.
I have bloodwork from a month ago. I will get my hepa levels at +2 from the begining and +8 weeks from the beginning. I would be open to suggestions as far as an extensive liver support.
Age: 22
Height: 5’9"
Weight: 184 lbs
Current W.O. Progam: 5x5 5 day split + isolation hypertrophy for smaller bodyparts as needed
Caloric intake: 4000 kcal/day p/c/f 40/30/30
Body fat (est): 10% (can see 6 pack and obliques when flexed)
Previous AAS/PH usage: AnEvol (sdrol+pplex) 4 weeks
Trenaplex 4 weeks
I began a Dbol preload for a test dbol cycle… however I was incarcerated before I could use the good stuff
Measurements (This is from memory 2 weeks ago… I will get measurements this weekend.)
Cold l arm-16.25
r arm-16.5
neck- 16
chest- don’t remember (my chest is one of my weak points which will be addressed in this)
waist- 30.5
calves- 14.5? (someone trained upper body only for two years)
Goals from cycle- Build up more chest, specifically the upper interior portion of the muscle (I will continue to emphasize inclined activities more often than flat or decline).
-Work towards catching the lower body up to upper body (specifically calves)
-Gain at 10-15 lbs while staying below 12%
-Any additional size in arms and shoulders will be welcomed, but this will not be my focus.
-Deal with small gyno issue as previously mentioned.
Substances: CEL M-drol 0/20/30/30
CEL E-stane 20/20/30/30
PCT: Novla 40/40/20/20… on the subject of pct. I’ve encountered some people experiencing “delayed onset gyno” with epistane. Do I need to run some sort of AI after my SERM???
Liver Support: I would appreciate feedback for this, this is an area where my knowledge is lacking.
Workout program- I will seek to take advantage of the awesome strength gains that come with superdrol. compund lifts will be 8x8x6x6xfail with increasing weight. I will do some lighter weight isolation with limited rest periods where I see fit (I love the superdrol pump).
My split will be as follows
Day 1 Legs/Chest weak point training
Day 2 Biceps/Triceps
Day 3 Back
Day 4 Chest
Day 5 Shoulders/Traps
Rest will be taken as needed. I tend to push myself on s-drol. a lot of people say it makes them feel sick all the time… it makes me feel like lifting,fucking, and killing all the time.
Diet- 5500 kcal/day at 40/30/30 (although I will be a lot less strict on my carb and fat intake than I am when I am off). I will add an extra few hundred carbs on rest days. Carbs will be 90% complex with the exception being pre and post workout.
15 g fish oil/day
Any questions, comments, and or feedback would be greatly appreciated.