Test P, Tren Ace, and Dbol Cycle

Wk1-8 Test Prp 350mg (50mg/d)
Wk1-6 Tren Ace 250mg (35m/d)
Wk1-6 Dianabol 210mg (30mg/d) decent ?

perfectly fine! :wink:


i would do this:

Wk1-8 Test (fL)
wk1-6 tren (FL)
Wk3-9 dbol

this way; PCT can begin the day after the dbol - rather than waiting a week between test levels to drop.
Also, it gives the tren a full 3 weeks to get out of the system to impede suppression as little as possible.

thanks brooks. looking forward to hearing from you soon.

I found 30mg/d dbol is lots for me. GOod luck with your cycle.

Increase the test:tren ratio if you want your penis to work - IME I’d say at least 2:1.

I’d run the dbol all the way through, but I know people might not like that.

I also wouldn’t recommend on a standard nolva/clomid PCT when using 19-nors, especially tren. I know people who do this with no major problems, but I think 100mg PW test PLUS 40mg nolva ED for 6 weeks would be far superior and far more comfortable.

I found different dbol versions work totally different. Naposims I need 50/day. Pinks I could get the same effect of naposims in 15/day.

Personally I find with every new or different dbol my dosage has to be adjusted.

30mg/d was fine for me. Good to know dbol varies so much so I will be ready to adjust dosage next time.

I take it you are cutting? Sounds sweet for a cutting cycle. Maybe a bit of masteron if you can get it.

Thanks for replys guys. keeping everything you say in consideration. do you think running tren alone is a terrible idea?

Really. Do you guys even read the other posts on this forum?

Tren-alone has been the newb flavor of the week around here. A quick look at the headers could have given you all the answers you needed.

alright alright, just making sure, im not running it alone, just wanted to make sure. ill run the above cycle.

OK, I saw your other post before I saw this one. I think you have most of the answers you need.

SERM based PCT is what you were wanting to know about? Is the taper pct completely out of the question? I ask because you are gonna have an interesting time recovering form the shutdown this produces.

i think im going to run Nolvadex for pct. naturally i recover pretty quickly. and i also will taper down from everything, not just stop. thoughts?

I would run some test prop for a week or so at the end without the tren before you come off. They cycle is sweet though, I’m on the same thing, but 50% higher dose and 75mg/day masteron instead of d-bol. your test/tren ratio looks fine. you can always up your test dose if tren becomes a problem. Body changes are pronounced and daily. Have fun big guns

tren alone is a bad idea
but you can go tren and d’bol and be ok.
nice little shorty is

Wk 1-4 Tren ace 75mg ed
Wk 1-6 D’bol 30mg ed
you could go out 6 weeks with the Tren but its a little easier on a person when they cut the tren short a couple weeks before cutting an aromatizing compound

standard Serm Pct
ducks awaiting the barrage
what was suggested about taking the dbol weeks 3-9 is perfect though I think

you have a pretty Basic and fool proof cycle there

thanks iron joe, im really excited that you said that gains are there. I havent been able to work back up to my regular strenght since my injury, but now im fully rehabbed and pre habbed for next injury, and ready to roll, i think 8 more weeks of wait to get my program design perfect and then hit it.

Guys please check out the next topic that i post a guestion about and comment.

[quote]MaddyD wrote:

Wk 1-4 Tren ace 75mg ed
Wk 1-6 D’bol 30mg ed
you could go out 6 weeks with the Tren but its a little easier on a person when they cut the tren short a couple weeks before cutting an aromatizing compound

you have a pretty Basic and fool proof cycle there[/quote]

Has anyone ever ran this? I know BR said its a great cycle, but Ive never talked to some one who has used only bol/tren in a cycle before… Any opinions?



Sorry OP

soon to be, thats perfectly fine, as long as you put your two cents on my new thing, its called LONG cycles, plese coment.

I am planning on running a very similar cycle myself actually. Except rather then test-p, I wanted to run sustanon. Not sure if I want to bother spending the extra money on using sus instead of the cheaper test, since tren is fairly expensive in my area.