
Can someone list the three heads of the triceps and the exercises that target each head specifically. I know some exercises hit more than one head of the tricep. Can you list that or give me a link where I can find this information. Thanks in advance

just stick to the core lifts and you wont have to worry about it. bench presses and variations, dips and variations, overhead presses. do those and youll target all tricpes heads and then some.

dont worry about hitting the medial colatteral head of the tricpes with inverted semi-supinated pink dumbell kickbacks.




Anyway P-DOG is right. Triceps are already included in your upper body exercises: 1)Dips, 2)Close grip bench presses.To get big triceps try, after
years of training, to lift 125% bodyweight (6-8 reps) for bench presses,75% bodyweight for Military presses (6-8 reps) and bodyweight + 25% in weight for dips (8-10 reps). To get big arms do not forget heavy Squats,Deadlifts, pullups,chins,rows.

It’s impossible to isolate ONE head of the triceps. Forget about it.

I like to do kickbacks with isometric holds. It really burns in the cuts!

Have you tried searching this site? There is an article called “Old-School Triceps” from which I took the following list:

Long Head
Lying EZ-bar Triceps Extension
Overhead Dumbbell Extension
Overhead EZ-bar Extension

Medial Head
Close Grip Bench Press
Press Behind Neck
Semi-Supinated Dumbbell Press

Lateral Head
Close Grip Bench Press
Press Behind Neck
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension

All Three Heads
Decline EZ-bar Triceps Extension
Parallel Bar Dips
Bench Dips

Thanks guys. I asked because I thought that my elbow pain might be a result of tricep imbalance. I never really trained my triceps really hard because i thought that working out chest and shoulders would be enough to stimulate the triceps. Anyway, I started doing eccentrics and I’m waiting for my wobenzyme to come in.

If you have elbow pains you may wanna watch it on the skullcrushesrs. Don’t do those ofr a really long period of time.

ace, lmao! i heard leg extension are great for burning in the cuts too. i heard it from a pro bb’er.