For my next cycle I was thinking about taking an 8 week Tren Ace or injectable Winny cycle
I’m leaning more towards the Winstrol because it doesn’t convert to anything, also from my understanding Tren is the most suppressive hormone considering TRT is not in my plans yet, & I don’t want a difficult PCT. Also in addition the large population of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction long term after Tren makes it sound like hormone roulette.
Cycle would be:
125mg Test E for 8-10wks
200mg Mast E 8wks
& 300mg injectable Winny or 300mg Tren Ace 8wks
Please give opinions on those two compounds and that cycle that I wrote up, thank you.
whilst I can’t offer advice to your question as I am still relatively new to anabolics you could provide some info to assist other members replying to you. how many cycles you done before? do you have any pics? (I’m curious to see your physique before you are thinking of tren) what’s your goal? age/height/weight?
Tren is probably better for a longer run imo. Most of the guys I know using winny run into problems after 4 weeks. Tren, you could run for 12-16 weeks depending on your dosage and tolerance to side effects from 19nors.
What sort of problems with Winny? I’m just concerned with Trens level of supression hence why I only planned on 8 weeks. I don’t plan to go more than 300mg of either of those compounds. The acetate sounds best because of short ester length
For most people, Tren is a roll of the dice in how well it treats you. Some people can take minimal doses and they mentally and physically become a mess. On the other hand, others, can take super high doses (like me) and not suffer many ill effects (although I’m sure my blood values will reveal something different). If Tren works in your favour, you will not be dissapointed. But only you will find this out if you try it.
Think of tren as the end game. Once you try it, you never go back, because it is really the best thing we have in the steroid tool box. To enhance you, but also to truly fuck you up.
You’re right, in terms of harshness tren is worse hands down
But the sheer level of lipid crushing from winny (for most) is beyond extreme
A mere 6mg dose is enough (statistically) to lower HDL by 30/40odd percent and raise ldl by 30-50 percent… HDL subtraction HDL-2 is typically decreased far more markededly, by around 80-90 percent… this is at SIX milligrams per day lol
In terms of lipids, I’d rather a gram of tren over a gram of winny (700mg weekly)
Also many anecdotally appear to get injured or suffer extensive joint pain on the compound which makes me wonder why the recreational gym goer would ever wish to use it. Theoretically given its harsh nature it should be reserved for the few weeks pre competition
If you want that dick skin look and you’re learn, masteron should cut it for the rec user
I’ve heard that about Winstrol, is that because of the antiestrogenic properties?
I’m concerned with Trens level of supression hence why I only planned on 8 weeks. I don’t plan to go more than 300mg of either of those compounds. The acetate sounds best because of short ester length
I’m sure they’re both very surpessive I’ve heard more bad sides from Tren than heard bad sides from Winny but I don’t doubt either of these compounds since both of these compounds are very
My biggest issue about Tren is the Tren dick horror storys
That’s why I want to try Tren because it sounds like an ultimate enhancement it sounds super hardcore but it makes me not want to try it as much although as much as I do want to try it if that makes sense
You know, you’re absolutely right… Tren sounds like a gamble I don’t think I’m willing to take, kudos to you that you can handle it well. Knowing my body I’ll get harsh side effects
Maybe I’ll just get Winstrol and run it until the side effects begin then I’ll cycle off
I guess? Maybe I didn’t research enough apparently man, ive read forums and read lots of bro science but I haven’t looked into actual medical lititure on these substances
I know nandrolones are known to f**k dudes up things like Tren & Deca while DHTs & Test deratives aren’t usually as awful in terms of side effects, suppression and erectile dysfunction
I just wanted something stronger to make me grow. Masteron didn’t really make me grow a ton I just got veiny & way stronger. I’m looking to get larger and stronger without a lot of aromatization
I didn’t like testosterone because it gave me way to many side effects after 6-7 weeks at 500mgs a week like being 247lbs of straight bloat & water plus loss of my labido, which is back now…
I was looking into taking EQ because it aromitises at half the rate of test but I’ve read the half life of EQ is extremely long.
For me winstrol is great if you’re looking to feel like shit for most of the day, feel like someone sold your cartilage on the black market and gain zero weight. Strength goes up though so while you may be absolutely miserable with no energy you’ll at least be able a little stronger. Hopefully you have a better time with it that I did. If you aren’t super lean and about to step on stage there isn’t much of a reason to use it. You’d probably gain more weight on creatine and feel less crappy.
Thank you I assume it’s an exceptionable muscle builder, the compound sounds very temping I bet I would love it!
Seems like all the extreme muscle builders have crazy potential side effect profiles that come with along with all them gainz. Deca, Tren, Test, DBol & Anadrol all seem to be a few of the staples
Low Test, high Mast my sense of well being was euphoric my strength went way up hitting PRs almost every week and with absolutely no real noticeable negative side effects.
I’m coming off cycle now as we speak, I tapered off. My last pin was 1 week ago, just 62.5mgs of test E or 1/4cc.
I’ve been on HCG for 1 week, just pinned my 3rd shot of 500iu this morning. Just after 1 injection of 500iu of HCG I felt my testicles drop & grow larger and more dense. It’s now very noticeable. I have a feeling I won’t even feel a low point considering my age & PCT method but I won’t bet my life on it
As of right now, I’m trying to figure out what my ideal next cycle is going to be. Considering I don’t like testosterone my body doesn’t agree with it at 500mgs a week I know there are cleaner & better compounds out there that have great muscle building properties.
I’m thinking get prepared for my next cycle and take the next 6-12months off just training hard and then use my next cycle to really diet down to hold on to strength and still build muscle while in a caloric deficit
Lmfao I apologize, I laughed reading that because it sounds like an absolutely horrific experience you suffered. I thank you for your opinion I think you just saved the joints in my knees & elbows from grinding away into dust. I’ve heard acedotal story’s of men actually having joint damage from heavy lifting on that compound unfortunately
This is what I speculate. I think the stories about terrible joint pain are mostly from people running it solo (not sure, just speculating). If I were to try it, I would probably run more test than you are planning.
Again, I am on my first blast (test E 325mg/wk weeks 1-12, Var 25 mg 2X a day for last 6 weeks). Last week is a powerlifting comp.
I have researched AAS a fair bit, but experience is worth a whole lot.