Tren or Winny? Cycle Opinions

The aromatization rate is questionable. Some say it is closer to 1/4, and some say it has acted as and AI, and have lower E2 while using EQ with the same amount of test as they were running.

I know a guy who cruises on 300 test 700 EQ a week. He does this to be anabolic, but not get estrogen sides. I told him he is rolling the dice doing that year round.

You can get Boldone (which is the base hormone in EQ) with a cypionate ester attached instead of the undecylenate ester. This brings the half life down quite a bit. I hear PIP is pretty bad with Boldone C though.

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I ran 250mg T & 50mg/day winstrol and it killed my joints. My E2 was close to 100.

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I have heard numerous stories of bad joints on winny. I have heard it described as sandpaper in their joints.

I have also heard of people feeling terrible on it.

I powerlift, so not willing to use something that is hard on the joints.


I remember I first noticed it when doing standing cable flys for chest. I was strong as fuck but it felt like bone on bone. It was unbearable too. I had similar effects on crashed E2 but it wasn’t near as bad as it was from the winstrol. It felt like something was on the verge of snapping.


@dextermorgan I have heard it is good for strength which appeals to me. I plan on using some var for the last 6 weeks. 50 mg split 2X daily. Do you have any experience with var? Hoping to get strong AF, but I do know it is supposed to be pretty mild.

So I’m assuming winny interacts with the Estrogen receptor or possibly affect the aromatization of testosterone to Estrogen? Or inhibit the aromatization enzyme?

I did get massive strength gains and kept 100% after stopping.

That is in regards to var not winny, right?

Never tried Anavar

Var is mild, I think it’s exceptional, it gave me zilch side effects not even hair loss. But I think you can get better compounds for the price and it’s a methylated compound so it’s liver toxic no matter how safe everyone claims it to be. Although I’m sure 100mg of var a day as you stated, would have you feeling fantastic

I thought Masteron was better personally for strength but now I’m looking into Primobolan for some reason I think that will be better than Masteron

That’s just my opinion, yet again Im a person who dislikes testosterone and all the side effects it brings to the table, I could obviously take arimidex to midigate some of the sides or I could just take higher dosages of other cleaner better gear. I personally know dudes who can blast 750-1,000mg of Test without an AI but it just doesn’t work for me.

After about five days you’re going to get sick of pinning the Winstrol because it’s like injecting the jizz of Sauron’s eye into your muscles. You’ll end up drinking it instead, which will make it the most expensive oral you’ve ever bought.


Lmfao ouch dude. I could get oral tablets too but was thinking get the injectables to avoid it passing through the liver.

I don’t think Winny suits what Im looking for it just sounds too hardcore for me

Primo & Masteron are probably what I’ll be using here on out, and lower doses of testosterone maximum blasts of 200-250mgs

Still very curious about Tren Ace I wonder if 50mg EOD or 150mgs a week would be like, probably minimal side effects

I cannot see a reason to use winstrol if you’re just an ordinary dude. I think it has its place for competitive athletes, certainly, but that’s where it ends.

Primo is the dream for a lot of us.

As far as tren, I have read about guys going mega high and guys going very low. The one unifying message seems to be that it just works great. Maybe even going 25mg ED would do wonders. But who knows if you get insane sides from even a low dose? For me it isn’t worth it. For others it may well be.

Yeah winny is a no go. But wow I didn’t realize how sought after primo is… I wish I knew what I knew now on how my body would react I would’ve done my last cycle completely different.

Knowing me my body would have a bad reaction to Tren. But you don’t really know till you try

Tren certainly does everything. Especially recomping. Provided you are not an absolute asshole with your diet, you don’t really need to try that hard (IMO) to recomp like crazy on it.

What I have found is that it’s so-called nutrient partitioning properties tend to increase as the dose is increased. Meaning you eventually reach a point whereby your body becomes a black hole for food. Great for recomping and getting your weight down, but terrible if you want to put on some quality size.

But of course, you need to weigh the risks with the benefits and whether it’s worth it for you and your goals.

Yeah tren sounds absolutely amazing all around substance! If I do try it I’m gonna start dosage lower & just go from there I probably won’t exceed 300mgs, I’ll have some caber on deck.

I don’t like taking other drugs to midigate side effects caused by taking to much of another substance but that’s only my personal opinion.

That being said… How bad is Tren cough? I know it’s a real thing. Do you guys just lay down in bed for your glute injections? I don’t want to fall over coughing with a big harpoon of a needle sticking out of my ass

What? What about all the negatives. It would be all around amazing if it did what it did with the sides of var.

Yeah but I can bet you var doesn’t even come close to touching Trenbolone, it’s not even in the same realm. Women use var

You’re not going to get all them gainz without paying for it in some way

Its worth noting there are other side effects that are not so obvious. Pretty strong evidence that Tren is directly neurotoxic. If you can stand to lose a few IQ points then go ahead.

Just make sure you know exactly how much you are paying.

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Very true. I am just saying it being amazing all around should mean that the sides are low. With tren you get good and bad.