Hi, I’m currently 24 years old, I’m 5’7 180lbs. This will be my fourth cycle and was wondering what y’all think of it.
Week 1 – 4: 50mg Dianabol
Week 1 – 8: 75mg Tren Acetate EOD
Week 1 - 10: 50mg Test Prop EOD
Week 1 -10: 0.25mg of Arimidex EOD (if needed)
I also have caber on hand which I will take 0.25mg every 3 days
For PCT i will be running these two below
Week 1 – 100mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex every day
Week 2 – 50mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex every day
Week 3 – 50mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex every day
Think of what? List of different steroids?
You have provided 0 useful info. We need pictures, best lifts, lifestyle specifics and goals to start talking about a cycle.
All you provided was just names of drugs and abstract numbers of miligrams. There is no info on which we can base any kind of opinion.
Tren metabolites stick around for many, many months after you’ve ceased to take it. Tren and PCT don’t go together. Never mind the fact that your PCT was designed by a special needs parrot, that’s a whole different story.
Why? You’ve never run Tren before but you somehow know ex ante exactly how much caber you’ll need and at what frequency?
Body fat %? Because you’re 10lbs lighter than me at the same height. And I, um, do not need tren at all. If you’ve done four cycles (all before the minimum starting age, btw) then I’m expecting to see pictures of a pretty shredded dude. Sometimes it happens. Most of the time it does not.
This is not good for your age. Your brain hasn’t fully developed yet. 19nors come with possible mental sides.
Ditch the tren.
What is your cycle history??
How many years training?
How do you know you will even need the caber?
Agree with all of the other comments. This is not a good plan.