Tren Ace, Test Prop, Dbol Cycle

Hi there guys, this is my first time posting on this forum. I wanted to see what you guys think of my upcoming cycle and if I should change it up a bit or make any enhancements. I’m 5’10, 170lbs with 12% BF. I’ve done about 5-6 cycles in the past but this is my first time using teen ace. This is what my cycle will look like:

Week 1-8 Tren Ace 75mg EOD
Week 1-10 Test Prop 75mg EOD
Week 1-4 Dbol 50mg ED
Week 1-10 Adex 0.25 EOD (if needed)
I will start my PCT one week after last injection, I will be taking nolvadex as I’ve seen lots of people suggesting that only noobadex should be fine.
I will be taking it in 40/40/20/20.
I’m also curious at to what you guys think of this cycle as some threads I’ve read suggested that doubling the test prop would help better. Looking forward to hearing from you guys! Thank you guys in advance.


…does not go with this:

Tren metabolites stick around for a very long time. Continued suppression is possible (and likely). If you want to use tren then you should plan on trt/cruise for a while afterwards before attempting to recover.

I don’t have anything else to add beyond my now usual “why use dbol when testosterone exists?” speech, which everyone is I’m sure getting sick of hearing.

Would you be able to help me out? If you were to do a cycle like this how would you do it?

6 cycles and you are 170lbs… You sure you dont need a trainer and a better diet instead of steroids?


Agreed. I’m an inch taller than you and when I weighed 168 i was tiny with no muscle.