I am starting a cycle of tren ace 100 mg/ml and test cyp 250 mg/ml, buddy that got it from me said to pin 1 ml of test/tren mon and friday and then just pin 1 ml of tren on wed, but reading posts on here and other websites i know that most people say pin ED with tren and to run test at the same or lower dose? I am going for mass mostly I’m 20 about 6’1 and 170 lbs right now i have done a few cycles before, the most recent was sust/deca/dbol but i never took any PCT and within 4 months i lost all gains I had made.
I have been working on my diet alot I just find it hard to eat as many full meals a day as I know is necessary for me to bulk up the way I’d like to. I eat good foods though, alot of potatoes/rice/pastas and beef/chicken/pork. I am taking Mutant Mass right now which is a weight gaining supplement with 1400 calories, 80g’s of protein,180g’s of carbs per serving. I have just been running 500mg/week of test prop just to start me off because my guy didnt have tren/cyp a few weeks ago. I plan on running this tren/cyp cycle for 8-12 weeks depending how my body is doing with the tren. Also for my PCT I dont know what to do but I can get whatever gear I need so any help with that would be appreciated as well.
Can I get some advice on how I should pin it, doses and schedule. Also any comments about diet I would appreciate and any other info anybody has. Really just trying to bulk up and get to 205 lbs or so. Thanks for any insight guys