Going to San Francisco with wife for annual vacation. Going to be gone 4 nights. I found one gym close by our hotel and they wanted $15 a day to workout.
Also the hotel has cardio equipment, but I will be doing alot of walking that week so that was not that important to me.
I need to get at least 2 strength training sessions in while I am there. I have some bands that people gave to me and I thought about using them and doing super high reps and lots of sets…maybe do one bodypart a day and just kill it. Maybe bodyweight exercises as well.
It is critical because I am 8 weeks out from my first show.
Any thoughts or those that live in San Fran. can point me in the right direction that would be great!!!
Get a free guest pass…tell them you are new to the area and are looking at gyms. They will have you fill out a little paperwork but most places give a 2-3 day guest pass. You will never see them again so whatever right. lol
I’m 20 and it may sound weird coming from a young man but, spend time with your wife. you are on vacation with her, make sure you don’t forget that part. I know how training for a competition soaks up your life, but on vacation make sure you don’t forget her. lol
As far as my wife she has a tendency to sleep in and I get up naturally because I personal train clients early in the morning…thought I could hit an hour workout and by the time I am finished she will have just woken up Just as nidu said.