I want a pair of traps that stick out like a freak! Is there anyone out there that knows a few exercises besides the good old shrug? Thank you
Too many to count. Deadlifts, any type of olympic lift pulling movement, upright rows, trap raises, farmers walks and static holds for time, overhead squats, dumbell lunges. Just mix it up amongst your movements done for pure trap hypertrophy (dumbell and barbell shrugs, exercises done that involve the traps as stabilizers (deadlifts, overhead squats) exercises that use the traps in power/strenth-speed movements (olympic lifts and their variations) and exercises that involve the traps in endurance (farmers walks and holds). You will find that switching the focus every couple of weeks will bring about the best results.
I have only done shrugs with either the barbell or using the Hammer Strength machines. I don’t do anything else for my traps and they do stand out pretty significantly. The simple fact is, you have to go heavy enough to promote growth without cheating and you have to eat enough to support that growth. The rest lies in your genetics as long as you supply the hard work. I do traps with shoulders and I only do one exercise for them. They are also worked with most back movements.
i hear you. right now i am deadlift intense. soon i am gonna try the poliquin routine on this site then eventually kings tri sets…
kelly’s advice is dead on. read it, live it, love it. next question regarding your goals…WHY?
Deadlifts w/wide grip have done more for my back and traps than any other exersise.Not to mention hamstrings,forearms,and just plain overall size.Lift as heavy as you can with good form.PROTECT YOUR BACK.They are tough and taxing,but have become one of my favorite exersizes.Well worth the effort.
There are some good tap specialization programs on the T-Mag site. All you have to do is look for them…
Do a search for this. We had a very long, detailed, and enlightening thread about it a few months ago.
The snatch deadlift has improved my traps no end, check the archieves for the technique.
bent over shrugs. same position as bent over row. upright rowing. row behind back.
power cleans. rapid high dead lifts-pull
weight up to at least belt high. dumbell shrugs,hold at sides. shrugs behind back.
close grip shrugs
I was doing step-ups with a 75lb weighted vest on and a 50lb sandbag thrown over my shoulder. My traps were really pumped afterwards. Chalk one up for isometrics.
wheelbarrow walks for GPP.