Thanks for your thoughts. The problem with my client is that because his circulation is so bad (NOTE: eat well and don’t get diabetes) his foot can’t heal. This is his second surgery and they keep taking more of his foot. It’s a possibility that they’ll eventually have to take his whole leg. Despite this AND being 59 he really wants to make an effort. Unfortunately, with his foot as it is he can’t really make it to my training studio (We’re on the second floor of a building). In the future you are correct, upper body work will be the focus and I’ll toss in some leg extensions and curls. What I guess I’m searching for are ideas as to how he can stay active in the meantime. I need some innovative ideas.
With regards to supplements I’d especially appreciate your advice. As my research tends to center more on training and nutrition (mostly protein) I’m not so strong in this area. If you have time could you review the supplements you’ve listed and give me some background on what they’re supposed to do? I and my client, would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
What a dilemma. On the one hand your client would benefit mentally from doing something, anything PROactive. But on the other hand, he needs as much of his nutritional and energetic resources for healing as possible.
After he’s feeling better, when he’s chomping at the bit, I don’t see why he couldn’t do mostly upper body exercises, not to mention leg extensions and leg curls. There are your military presses, pullups and dips on a Gravitron. Bench presses, too; all varieties. It’s just going to be a case of getting out of his wheel chair and onto a bench or the equipment. I even like the Hammer Strength machines; Hi and Low Rows, incline, decline and flat bench (although there isn’t any reason he couldn’t be doing it with a regular bench).
Am I missing something, Kinetix? Does he have access to a gym? Is what I’m suggesting feasible?
As far as nutritionally, make sure he’s getting a good 3-a-day multivitamin, flaxseed oil @ 1T per 50 pounds of BW. For bones, he needs to supplement with silica, boron and a good calcium supplement with cofactors. MSM (sulfur) is huge for pain management, and joint integrity; work up to 5g x 2. For inflammation and protein turnover, I’d recommend Wobenzyme and bromelain. Get aggressive on the dosing of the last 2.
I hope – assume – you’re helping him with diet and carb management; choices, timing, etc. Please take full advantage of r-ALA with all carb-containing meals.
Any questions, anything I can do, please ask, Kinetix.