This topic had come up a while back, but then disappeared. I’m wondering if it’s still of interest. Specifically, I have a m.o. girlfriend (5’8", 370lbs, bf% unable to measure accurately) who has been going to Curves since Christmas, lost some weight and gained some strength, and feels ready to tackle a real gym. The problem is that she really has no idea of where to start. Before Curves the extent of her exercise was walking and the occasional swim. On the plus side, she has been reading T-Mag since shortly after I found it and is working hard on getting the diet part of the equation in order. (Newly married to a junk food addict, an uphill battle!) It’s the exercise that poses the main challenge - as has been pointed out, even some of the beginner’s programs here aren’t suitable for a m.o. person.
A big part of the problem is that I’m up in northern Ontario and she’s moved to Baltimore, so we can’t hit the gym or the grocery store together. She’s bought her first bottle of Hot-Rox but wants to wait until the workout is in order so it’s not wasted.
Are there any T-People in Baltimore who are up for a challenge? Who want to help an average girl turn into a T-Vixen? Or simply anyone with experience in training the m.o.? Better yet, are there any formerly big people with examples of workouts that worked for them at the beginning, any advice, motivation, inspiration or a starting point to share?
Thanks alot!