Is there any free weight lifting software that you all can or would recocmend for creating workouts and haveing the pc calculate how much weight ur supposed to use so that it creats progressive overload , or just any weight training software in general would help, any u reccomned and where can I DL them from?
try to formulate it in execel…
I keep my log in Excel also. I don’t use progressive overload, but spreadsheets can be easily constructed for this function.
BUMP fellas
Charles Staley has a good product at his site I have not used it, but the one’s that do, seem to like it. You can download an example from his site, but you’ll have to pay for the real stuff. I think it is 40-50 bucks but I’m not sure.
I have a demo of myo dynamics, but im really looking for software piece that will generate a wrokout for you given that you give it the proper info, (exercises u want and what ur goals are) and one that will increse the weight of the exercises for each week u progress , so u can have the weight reps and sets all done out for u on a printable sheet
Pugs, nothing like that exists in the world.
dude i have a copy of something called PUMP up the volume and its an awesome program but the copy i have all of a sudden isnt working anymore, and i dont think the program is avalable any more ive looked all ovber for it, any suggestions bill?
Pugsley … Over the last 6 months, I’ve developed a complete training software package that I’m currently “beta testing” at the local gym I go to. It’s designed more for trainers, health clubs or sports teams, but can also be used by individuals. Most of the package runs on the desktop, including a sophisticated program design module for generating customized and periodized workouts. It also has an optional facility for uploading and downloading to/from a Palm Pilot, a section for tracking RM performance statistics and a section for bodyfat measurement and tracking. I’m not ready to sell it yet, but if you’re interested, reply on this thread and then get the moderator to give me your email address. I’ll send you the documentation and, if it looks good to you, I can send you an installation package.