Interested to read your thoughts. A family member tagged me on their page, trying to “prove” that I train too much. (I train 4-5 times a week for about 40-60 minutes, including warmups and add in some cardio)
Bill claims that he only trains for 20 minutes a day but, at 54 years old I find it hard to believe that he maintains that body with that little amount of training. Even if he is on something like TRT which to my knowledge he does not use. So, I decided to ask him about it.
I wanted clarification on what he meant by “20 minutes a day.” I wasn’t sure if he only showed a portion of his workout or if he followed some kind of circuit routine. He was nice enough to respond and explained that his daily posts are his entire 20-minute training session. He claims it’s the only exercise he does, apart from walking his dogs for 30 minutes.
I am not going to accuse him of lying on his own page but, was wondering what you all thought?