Training Methods for Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

What are some methods to train slow twitch muscle fibers? Keep in mind i read The Black book of training secrets. Also i read every article in t-net and interned with charles poliquin. Some so-called experts say do more reps, how much more? I do know alot of skinny people release alot cortisol, which is a sign slow twitch muscle fibers. Finally, most advanced training methods don’t work and why?

The thing is that even if you were able to focus solely on the slow twitch fibers, it wouldn’t cause much actual muscle growth as slow-twitch fibers don’t have an important growth potential.

But to answer your question, sets lasting anywhere from 60 to 180 seconds (basically sets, supersets or giant sets in which a muscle group is under load for 1-3 minutes at a time)are best to train the slow-twitch fibers. This will surely lead to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and increased glycogen storage. But the actual amount of stimulated hypertrophy will be rather small because the ST fibers don’t have much growth potential and because the loads to use with this type of training doesn’t allow for maximum stimulation of the FT fibers.

CT, Do you go into some more depth on this topic in any of your books? I would like to know more.