A thought...

Tell me if there’s anything wrong with this. Since slow-twitch fibers recover at much faster rates than fast twitch fibers, would it not make sense to the slow twitches with greater frequency (every 1-3 days) while doing fast twitches at a lesser frequency in the same program? Would this not hit all the fibers effectively? For example, say my program has me doing 10 sets of chest movements of 1-12 reps and TUT being under 60 seconds each time, could I not supplement the heavy bench presses/incline presses/etc. with say light bench presses/push-ups (for example 4 sets of 50) done every 1-3 days along with that? Wouldn’t this make sure that a greater portion of muscle fibers are hit in just one training program? Basically, I’d like to combine the endurance with the strength in the same program in things like squats, weighted pull-ups, benches, deadlifts, etc. and I’d like to know what you folks think of that? Is this heresy or just simple insanity or convention to which i’ve simply been blind?

i may be a bit behind on my reading, but since when do slow twitch fibers recover quicker? They are more resistant to fatigue i know but, recovery?

(sigh)…This is another one of those “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” type questions isn’t it? I’d really like to know who out there in bodybuilding land programmed us with the belief that we “have” to hit every fiber in order to grow. Look at powerlifters and strongmen, do you ever hear or read these guys talking about differences between fibers and the best way to train them? Forgive me, friend, for sounding pissy, but cut the histrionics and just train.

To hit your slow twitch fibers without fatiguing your fast twitch fibers you are going to have to do a lot more reps than 50. Maybe doing bench presses with a weight you can do for at least 20 minutes continuously would effectively fatigue your slow twitch fibers, but youre going to look like an idiot, and it probably won’t do much good anyway. If you don’t do something extreme like that, you will be recruiting your fast twitch fibers to lift the weight.

Just a thought, most of us have a 50/50 ratio of fast and slow-twitch fibers. The gifted have a 60/40 or possibly higher ratio of fast twitch. So you might as well train depending on your goals in mind. You can train your slow-twitch fibers to behave more like fast-twitch fibers with plenty of heavy weights and low reps. And you can do the same to fast-twitch fibers. Also, the hamstrings, gastrocs, lats, chest, biceps and quads tend to have more fast-twitch fibers. So you might as well hit those areas with more weight and less reps. And hit the shoulders, lower back, abs, soleus and tricpes with more reps. It would be nice to know more about this kind of stuff, as it could be helpful to training.