Hey guys, I currently train lat by focusing mostly 5x5 weighted pull ups as a sort of power/hypertrophy thing. would it be better if I stayed on Bw and performed 10sets x 5 or something like that?
More reps.
squeeze at the top&full range of movement.
Do you just want strong lats, or do you want them to be really big as well?
[quote]hungry4more wrote:
Do you just want strong lats, or do you want them to be really big as well?[/quote]
I’m not the OP but I wanna know the answer to this if I’m going for size over strength.
[quote]Aopocetx wrote:
[quote]hungry4more wrote:
Do you just want strong lats, or do you want them to be really big as well?[/quote]
I’m not the OP but I wanna know the answer to this if I’m going for size over strength.[/quote]
More reps.
progressive training that includes both heavy w/ low reps & lighter with high volumn.
along with rest, high protein diet and stretching and rolling the lats.
So i want a little of both…so hitting was thinking of starting 10setx5 and adding a rep a week
[quote]Edgy wrote:
progressive training that includes both heavy w/ low reps & lighter with high volumn.
along with rest, high protein diet and stretching and rolling the lats.[/quote]
This and a variety of angles and exercises, I don’t mean take 10 exercises and put them into one back routine. I mean Take say 4-5 and train them hard for a while and switch them up and then train hard for a while again. Everyone’s leverages are different and certain angles/ exercises will get you much more activation where you are looking for it. Also add hard squeezes to that list as well, feeling it is very helpful haha
Today did 10x5…felt like they were good quality reps
If you can do 10 sets of 5 reps I feel like you’re not trying hard enough.
As in a few sets to failure would be more beneficial to muscle growth. Assuming rest is a minute or less you could probably knock out a few sets of 10-15, no?
OP asks for advice on training lats. Gets told, more reps. Does more sets instead.
[quote]ESX wrote:
OP asks for advice on training lats. Gets told, more reps. Does more sets instead. [/quote]
Hahaha, that obviously wasn’t the answer he was hoping for.
Oh, I understood more total reps in workout…as in more volume rather than adding weight and doing less volume…lol
[quote]AntonioFlores wrote:
Oh, I understood more total reps in workout…as in more volume rather than adding weight and doing less volume…lol[/quote]
Do 5 sets of 10.
Not 10 sets of 5.
I have a question. I neglected my lats up until I got serious about bodybuilding so they’re pretty fucking small right now. Small enough to where I have to focus pretty hard to flex them. This means when I do bent over rows or pull ups, I find it hard to isolate them. It’s rare that my lats get sore. Now, I can easily flex the upper back, but for rows I’ve been trying to isolate my lats. However should I just be squeezing the upper back and the lats will follow, or what? Yes I’m a noob but I would appreciate any tips. I really want to get my lats growing.
edit: I’m not talking about the middle of the upper back but rather the sides. Are these part of the lats aswell? I thought lats were the muscles on the sides (below very upper), but do they go up higher? I’m trying to figure this shit out so bear with me.
[quote]Aopocetx wrote:
I have a question. I neglected my lats up until I got serious about bodybuilding so they’re pretty fucking small right now. Small enough to where I have to focus pretty hard to flex them. This means when I do bent over rows or pull ups, I find it hard to isolate them. It’s rare that my lats get sore. Now, I can easily flex the upper back, but for rows I’ve been trying to isolate my lats. However should I just be squeezing the upper back and the lats will follow, or what? Yes I’m a noob but I would appreciate any tips. I really want to get my lats growing.
edit: I’m not talking about the middle of the upper back but rather the sides. Are these part of the lats aswell? I thought lats were the muscles on the sides (below very upper), but do they go up higher? I’m trying to figure this shit out so bear with me.[/quote]
That should clear up what you’re asking about the different muscles.
As far as feeling them working, I’m not a bodybuilder but it took me a couple years to be able to feel my lats work when I did any rowing/chining movements.
I think it’s just one of those muscles that takes a while to be able to “feel” because you don’t generally use it often in everyday life.
I struggled to feel my lats working when I started training and lately have been working on an imbalance between the two.
The way I developed a better connection was firstly just to randomly flex them all the time, I’d be sat on the toilet flexing my lats and touching them. I remember when I started doing that I could only contract them just below my teres, now I can feel it all the way down to my hip.
Secondly make sure you pull your elbow into your hip when doing rowing movements.
Again, this was largely down to developing a better mmc with my lats in the end.
Better mmc = better contraction = more fibres recruited = MASSIVE FREAKY LAT WINGZZ!
the original blood and guts black and white video is even better, but not everyone has those awesome hammer strength machines
[quote]Chris87 wrote:
As far as feeling them working, I’m not a bodybuilder but it took me a couple years to be able to feel my lats work when I did any rowing/chining movements.
I think it’s just one of those muscles that takes a while to be able to “feel” because you don’t generally use it often in everyday life. [/quote]
Oh ok, that’s exactly what I thought. I’ve been practicing flexing them so I can eventually control them. Actually last night for the first time ever I was able to do a lat spread. It felt so awesome. But I can’t seem to do it now…