Training Headache w/ 20 Rep Squats

I hit 20 rep squats the other day and once I racked the weight it felt like a bomb went off in my head. I ignored it.

I got on the bench yesterday and was hitting a 5 rep set and my neck started contracting really hard…once I racked the weight I got the same headache. I wasn’t even straining very hard. Anyone have an idea of what might be going on?

[quote]Make1tRa1n wrote:
I hit 20 rep squats the other day and once I racked the weight it felt like a bomb went off in my head. I ignored it.

I got on the bench yesterday and was hitting a 5 rep set and my neck started contracting really hard…once I racked the weight I got the same headache. I wasn’t even straining very hard. Anyone have an idea of what might be going on? [/quote]

Likely blood pressure. I am not saying you have high blood pressure, rather after intense work loads like that which do increase blood pressure it can give you a headache.

I usually get them after leg day for about twenty minutes to forty five minutes after training. They subside and then I get that kinda good endorphin release feeling.


My bad after reading that again it sounds like you may have strained or pinched something in your neck.


Interesting, I’ve had this happen to me in my last 2 workouts. Happened during squats and deadlifts, not so much during bench.

I’d be interested in knowing what’s up, cos it really interferes with my workouts.

I got some feedback from a few people and they think it’s either a tear in the lining of the brain or a tear in a muscle that runs along the back of the neck over an artery. Either way they said it’s benign. Matter fact, I’ve come across a lot of people in the last 2 days who have had the exact same symptoms and say that it eventually goes away…it would be nice to know what the fuck happened though.

[quote]Make1tRa1n wrote:
I got some feedback from a few people and they think it’s either a tear in the lining of the brain or a tear in a muscle that runs along the back of the neck over an artery. Either way they said it’s benign. Matter fact, I’ve come across a lot of people in the last 2 days who have had the exact same symptoms and say that it eventually goes away…it would be nice to know what the fuck happened though. [/quote]

Try stretching you lats and pecs before the 20 rep squats and don’t look up but tuck your chin and drive your neck back. This should help.

you know you might consider to see a doc, the reason being the headache
described as thunder clap (instant)
may be a sign of a problem. just to be
safe.go see a doc.