hey I’ve been lifting for about 3 years now, probably 2 seriously. I’ve done everything from full body to body specialization workouts. I plan on training for the Connecticut strongman competition in April. I was wondering if you guys could give me any suggestions or ideas to help me boost my strength gains and lifts while i setup my new workout.
Current workout. I’ve been doing this for about 2 months now.
Monday - Chest/Back
Pronated Pull ups
DB 1 and 1/4 Flat bench
Barbell Bench, with weights and Chains
DB Row
Lat Pulldown
DB Incline Bench
Cable or DB Flys
I usually try to workout a weight that’ll let me do 8-10 reps and 3-4 sets
Tuesday - Legs
Chain Squat
Leg Press
Machine Hamstring curls
I usually try and do about 6-8 reps and 4 sets
I repeat the exercises in a 3 day cycle and usually rest Sat or Sun
Mondays and Thursday i get my cardio with my Kempo class.
Supps I take
Isopure Zero Carb protien after i workout
Muscle Milk Before Bed
T-Nation ZMA before bed
Nxcare Hypergrowth usually only after workout
Sometimes NOxplode before workout
I’ve gained about 15pounds since beginning of Sept with staying consitant with this and shoving my face with Whole grains and Veggies and lean meats.
By all means meet with him if possible. One thing I’ll bet they will tell you is try as hard as you can to use the implements (or something close) as many times as possible before the contest.
Your deadlift may be great but unless you’ve actually picked up a heavy stone, lapped it and bumped it up to a platform or barrell you’ll be really struggling simply because you haven’t mastered the technique. Same goes for tire flipping really all the events you listed. A big squat is nice but unless you walked with it, the yoke can give you fits.
I think I’d cut back on the number of exercises you have listed.
I know that the 5x5 thing works wonders. I’d pick 3 big movements and a “strongman” movement like Clean & Press, Dips, Squats and then a carry or drag movement (be createive with sandbags, rocks etc.). Then pick say, rack pulls, close grip benches, and barbell rows and a carry or drag movement. Do that 3 times per week and keep rotating exercises.
M-W-F, 3 big movments and one carry/drag. Simple yet effective.
Oh, and throw curls in there. Biceps tears are fairly common as you go along.
These are great suggestions and i thank you all again. The only problem is that these guys at excel are probably a 3 hour drive on a good day from where i live. I def would be willing to go down and make 1 or 2 visits but is there anything more in the region of Connecticut that would be more accessible for a daily or weekly visit?
Also I am only 18 years old, so would these guys be approachable enough to just drive there and talk to them personally or should i try email/phone first?
I’d definately call first. Tell me, is there any way you can try to simulate your events? I have a bunch of seggestions you can use to to improvise the implements.
[quote]derek wrote:
I’d definately call first. Tell me, is there any way you can try to simulate your events? I have a bunch of suggestions you can use to to improvise the implements.[/quote]
yea well my trainer is my advanced fitness teacher so far. He used to be an Olympic weightlifter so he def knows his stuff.
He suggest first month train hypertrophy by concentrating on big lifts like full range squats, dead lift, overhead push press, clean jerk and bench.
After about a month of pure training were gonna start throwing in the lifting that is entailed in the contest. Hes kinda obsessed with lifting so he has most of the lift stuff like the 2and a half DBs. The lifts for the contest aren’t anything too far out there. No car pulls, tire flips or anything. Mostly involve Dbs or barbells. But if you have any ideas that would be great
[quote]Jakib2 wrote:
These are great suggestions and i thank you all again. The only problem is that these guys at excel are probably a 3 hour drive on a good day from where i live. I def would be willing to go down and make 1 or 2 visits but is there anything more in the region of Connecticut that would be more accessible for a daily or weekly visit?
Also I am only 18 years old, so would these guys be approachable enough to just drive there and talk to them personally or should i try email/phone first? [/quote]
You’ll find that powerlifters and strongman competitors are the most approachable guys in the world. Show some enthusiasm and a willingness to work and they’ll always take you under their wing.
Might want to touch base with some of the guys at South Side in Stratford. They have a log for overhead pressing, a sled, and plenty of attitude. Some of the guys train strongman, so you might be able to get some connections closer to home that way. You’re always welcome to come up to Boston to see us, but in terms of actual implements, Murph (Total Performance Sports) actually has more.