Training for a Fight in September


I’m now training for a fight in september in muay thai (no protections). I’m training really hard : I run approximatively 3 times a week (45 min), and have 3 training sessions a week for the moment (2 hours for each session).

The problem is that I tries to maintain my body mass and even tries to gain a bit (1 or 2 kilos). So I lift weights and do strenght training about 2 times a week, workin’ upper body monday and abs, back and calves wednesday. But after each muay thai training session, I lose about 1 kilo, which I quickly regain. It seems I’m gettin lighter with the time and I would like to counter that.

Have you some tips to give me ? Am I overtraining or should I eat more ??

Thanks !

Eat why be out of shape for a fight?

What weightclass? You’re probably just losing fluid from Muay Thai, which you then regain after rehydration.
Just keep eating and working out and you’ll gain muscles in some time.

But you are using up a whole bunch of calories by running 135min a week, and training Muay Thai 6h/week, then working out twice a week. You seriously need to eat a lot more. Buy a couple of bags/buckets of gainer powder, then drink a gainer with each meal.

Reading this article might help you put on some pounds:

It sounds to me like you’re dropping waterweight during MT. Keep your hydration up, and maybe cut your run distance while upping speed (preferably via interval work) so that you’ll still be burning calories and working endurance without pounding your body as much.

With the 6 hours of MT a week, I’m might even cut a run day if you’re looking to go up a weight class. In the end, it’s all about eating enough to support the weight you want, but it’s really hard to work out like an endurance athlete and not look like an Ethiopian distance runner.

Nice Mike Tyson pic…just eat more man.

[quote]no.name92 wrote:

I’m now training for a fight in september in muay thai (no protections). I’m training really hard : I run approximatively 3 times a week (45 min), and have 3 training sessions a week for the moment (2 hours for each session).

The problem is that I tries to maintain my body mass and even tries to gain a bit (1 or 2 kilos). So I lift weights and do strenght training about 2 times a week, workin’ upper body monday and abs, back and calves wednesday. But after each muay thai training session, I lose about 1 kilo, which I quickly regain. It seems I’m gettin lighter with the time and I would like to counter that.

Have you some tips to give me ? Am I overtraining or should I eat more ??

Thanks ![/quote]

You’re just losing water weight, just keep re-hydrating. It’s nothing to worry about.

its not uncommon for me to lose up to 5-6lbs after training MT for a couple hours. As mentioned, its just water weight that you gain back quickly. If you are trying to gain, calories in have to be greater than calories out. With your activity level, your minimum daily intake could be around 5-6k/day. Though I have a buddy that eats in excess of 10k/day.

Whats your diet look like?

Agree with the above guys, you’re probably just losing water weight and nothing else.
I have the same loss of weight after MT or boxing training because of the hydrating.

Just drink enough and if you want to gain weight I’d drop or adjust one of the running days while keeping my diet nice and full.