Just hoping that you’ll be able to advise me on my training. I am looking to get myself in competition shape for a ‘miss figure’ type competition so i will need to lose body fat rather than put on too much more muscle.
I have a pretty well developed upper body, I just really struggle with my legs. I do 2 weights sessions a week along with a boxing and interval training session. With my weights I do an all over work out without rest between exercises in order to improve my muscle tone - i’ve lost a fair bit off my legs but am trying to get more definition.
I do squats, press, extensions, deadlifts, the usual for legs but I don’t know whether to add more weight or what to do!!
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
What rep/set scheme are you using?
Squats - 3 sets of 20 reps, I’ve been doing ball squats at the moment as i have a bad knee!
Extensions - 3 sets of 15 at 15k
Deaadlifts - 3 sets of 15 at 20k
The way I do them is to do a circuit between the 3 without rest in between, so squat, extension, deadlift, squat, extension, deadlift etc.
You’re using pretty insignificant loads. QUit doing ball squats, they may very possibly mess up your knee worse. I would setup like;
atg clean grip front squat 5x5
deadlift 4 or less reps per set
glute ham raise 3x8-12 reps
calves 8-12 rep sets
I don’t really think you have enough developement where competeing in a show against presumably reletively well developed people is a good idea. Would I take random jow 135 pound bench presser and have him compete in bodybuilding? How long have you been weight training?
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
You’re using pretty insignificant loads. QUit doing ball squats, they may very possibly mess up your knee worse. I would setup like;
atg clean grip front squat 5x5
deadlift 4 or less reps per set
glute ham raise 3x8-12 reps
calves 8-12 rep sets
I don’t really think you have enough developement where competeing in a show against presumably reletively well developed people is a good idea. Would I take random jow 135 pound bench presser and have him compete in bodybuilding? How long have you been weight training? [/quote]
I’m not thinking of competing but just want to see how close I could get to it, just for my own interest really. Been training for a couple of years properly, but I do tend to bulk up fairly quickly if I increase weights, hence the reason for doing less weight now. Also because I do boxing and circuit training, I find it puts too much strain on my joints.
Thanks for the advice, will let you know how I get on