For the past years I have been training 4 days a week with some success. I love training and the results I get but I would like to explore other things. I want to continue getting stronger and developping my athletical habilities but I think at this point in my life I would benefit more from other things, creative and all that stuff. And I don’t think there is a linear relationship between the amount of muscle someone have and his succes with females.
Has anyone ever had good results with 3 times a week training? I am considering lowering my training frequency to this.
I would like to hear about your experiences about training less. I really like training and one of my revelation was that I could get better result with training 4 days a week than with training 5 days a week.
I have to fit all of this in 3 days:
DB shoulder press or barbell press
Lateral raises
Incline BB or DB bench
DB bench
1 pec isolation exercice
3 biceps exercice
Close grip bench press or dips
1 triceps isolation exercice
barbell row
2 back isolation exercice
Box squat
Front squat
romanian deadlift
skater split squat
I am intermediate. I can deadlift at least 565, DB press 100x8, DB bench 120x11, bench I don’t know, squat more than 400.
My current training is
Lat raise
DB press
Lat raise
Military press
at this point I go on with triceps or go home and come back later because I am tired
triceps isolation
box squats
Front squats
Romanian or split squat
split squat or romanian
3:pecs biceps
DB bench or BB incline
BB incline ou DB bench
pec isolation
Biceps (3 exercices)
4: back
Back isolation exercice
BB row
2 back isolation exercice
This is sometime done in 2 sessions. I stretch and do mobility exercice everyday I don’t train.
Share your ideas. From experience, have your physique regressed from training 4 to 3 days a week?